CV of Justin Lang

New Diet Plan

lose_itI just recently started a new diet.  I realized that yes, I am over weight and technically obess according to my BMI.  I really don’t have a specific diet plan other then using an iPhone app, Lose It! that I got for FREE.

Basically I enter all my information and based on how much I want to lose, it tells me how many calories I can eat a day. Which is 2088.  Then if I exersice, it gives me back some calories based on the activity.  So my goal is to eat no more then 1875 calories a day.  I deducted some to jump start the process a little.

So what I did was start off with my current weight starting monday which was 248.  Then I just track all the food I take in and if I do any excersising.  I also put in my weight for each day.  I have actually been doing pretty well with staying pretty close to my total intake for the day.  But I have noticed that I am snacking less and waiting for lunch or dinner and watching what I eat.

I am proud to say, as of this morning I am at 241.5 pounds.  Now, it this due to the watching what I eat?  I don’t know.  But if I continue to see improvement like this, I am going to reach my goal of 180 in no time!

My Current BMI – I AM FAT!!1


I was listening to Elliot in the Morning on the radio the other morning and heard him talking about BMI and over weight people.  I have just gotten around to looking into what my BMI is and WOW, I am OBESE!!!!  This is TROUBLE PEOPLE.

Sounds like I have some work ahead of me! :(



So I did a quick search to see where my weight should be for my body type and height.  It looks like I need to lose around 40+ pounds to be safe.  good thing I have a gym membership!

Man, Talk about out of SHAPE!

I just did a sales call up on the hill at 400 n cap…  I normally park at Uniion Station and then walk to my sales call up on the hill.  Well, 400 n cap is about 3 blocks away from Union Station.  Today it is about 80+ degrees and HUMID!  This morning I took my time, no rush, I had plenty of time to get there… Well, by the time I got to security to check in, I had started to sweat, not bad, but I definatly had a bead or two running down.  Nothing nasty or anything, but enough to make me mad at myself.

Well, after to sales call it was another 3 blocks back to Union Station to get the car… By the time I got to the car, I had sweated just enough to really make me mad!  I had to pump up the AC to cool off and get it under control.

This just proves my point that I know I am out of shape and need to do something about it.  So of course it is part of my 101 in 1001 list to do something about it.  I think this just means I might have to start this part of my list EARLY!