CV of Justin Lang

2014 101 List

101 Things in 1001 Days

I tried doing this list a couple of years ago.  This New Year got me thinking about resolutions and how much they suck to focus on one particular thing.  So for 2014, I am kicking off another 101 things to get done in 1001 days

Start Date:
January 10, 2014
Completion Date: October 7, 2016

  1. Love More, Hate Less
  2. Stop Swearing
  3. Lose 50+ lbs.
  4. Reduce pants size to 36 or better
  5. Exercise at least 3 days a week
  6. Replace Soda with Water
  7. Go one month with out eating fast food
  8. Get a physical once a year
  9. Get an ecocardiograph
  10. Learn to sign language
  11. Learn German
  12. Read 1 book a month
  13. Blog once a day
  14. Start project 365, Self Portrait a day
  15. More photos of Renee and I
  16. Carry my camera with me everywhere and take spontaneous pictures.
  17. Learn how to and make beer
  18. Learn how to and make real BBQ
  19. Complete autobiography in one day
  20. Write, Design and produce book f
  21. Take Renee REAL camping once a year`
  22. Take Yoga class with Rybak
  23. Take Renee Sailing
  24. Take Renee to play pool
  25. Take Olivia Sking
  26. Visit all the Smithsonians again
  27. Goto A Nascar Race
  28. Go to a comedy club
  29. Volunteer at dog shelter at least once
  30. 6 month Salary Savings
  31. 12 Month Salary Savings
  32. See a financial Adviser
  33. Be debt Free
  34. Don’t spend any money for one week.
  35. $10 for each completed, $25 for each not completed
  36. Buy Renee Flowers at least 12 times
  37. Design and launch each domain name I own
  38. Start a new cartoon
  39. See one Broadway Show a season
  40. See one Nationals game a month a season
  41. See up Lady Liberty’s Dress
  42. Go hunting with the Karchers
  43. More Sex
  44. Make a will
  45. Cook Dinner once a week
  46. Give Blood
  47. Volunteer at the ASPCA
  48. Get rid of everything I do not use
  49. Host a poker night
  50. Make a new 101 list