eBook – Smashing Book #4: Mobile Design
I was told that I need to keep adding things to my Present Ideas list for all walks of life and income brackets. So here we go.
I love to read. I love to read about almost anything. Most times I read about bettering my design skills or things related to the lighting industry. I don’t really read much other then that besides my subscriptions to Mac World, and the new Holmes on Homes Magazine. Pretty sad right? Not really, if you ask me. At least I read right! ;)
One thing I have come to love is the ability to carry around a huge number of books and PDF’s that I need/want to read right on my iPad. SOOOO LOVELY.
So add to my collection of iPad readings by getting me the Smashing eBook #4: Mobile Design. It comes in at a WHOPPING $9.90, a pretty descent price if you ask me. In order for it work work correctly on the iPad, I need the ePUB or PDF version of the book.