CV of Justin Lang

The Dodocase for the iPad… LOVE IT

That’s right, Renee got me exactly what I wanted this year for Christmas, the Dodocase for OUR iPad! ;)  I love it, I really do!  It is everything I was hoping for in the case. So  simple, so elegant. It really reminds me of a moleskine case. I wrote about it on my technology blog,  Take a look, I love it!

I’ve Been MadMened

Thanks to Renee, I have been MadMened.

Binder Clips to Stack Beer Bottles

You have to give it up to the binder clip, so versatile, so useful!  Not only can it keep papers together, organize your computer cables, but help keep your beers stacked in the fridge!

Thanks LifeHacker!

Shower Design

This could be a great idea for our basement shower!  Not a lot to it and seems pretty simple.

Different kind of Wall Outlet

What a great idea for a wall outlet!  It’s pretty safe to say this is only a 15amp outlet.  But what about the ground???  A bunch of house hold appliances and devices only come with a two prong edison outlet.  I have even heard that home builders are installing just to prong outlets now.  Kind of interesting…

I love the wall outlet design! might be better if there was a three prong outlet in the center… just in case!

There’s an Octopus in my soup!

Size Does Matter

AP Style Book

I have been told that my writing is a little lacking in some places. Since starting my “little project”, I have been working on almost all aspect of the project including the most important one, the writing.

It has been recommended to me to get the AP StyleBook. It is considered the bible for any journalist/writer. So here we go, another great idea for a present. It can pick it up at It is quite the deal at $18.95 for the printed edition. Regarding this particular book, I would actually prefer the printed edition over a PDF or ebook. Something tells me I would really prefer the book.

Griffin and Olivia…awwwwww

As I am sure everyone is getting just a bit sick of seeing present ideas for me, here is a photo from this weekend with the family and Olivia’s 8th birthday party.

Nikon S4000 Point & Shot

What the hell do I need another camera for?!? Well, taking the D80 is not always a choice. Some times I just need a point and shot to take some photos. Yes, I did have a Nikon point & shoot, but alas, it decided to die.

I have done a lot research and found the perfect point & shoot, the Nikon S4000. You can find the S4000 all over the place like Best Buy and But I recommend getting it from a local photo store like Penn Camera of even better, a mom and pop store. Why, the smaller shops specialize in this stuff and know what they are talking about. Sure, you may pay a bit more, but again, they know what they are talking about and are not just some kid working a big box store.