CV of Justin Lang

Another Thing Off The List

#86-get_marriedI know it has been a while since I have mentioned my 101 list, but I am proud to say that I can update the list today!

As most people know, I got married last friday to Renee Rybak.  While this item on my list was an “easy” one, it does mean that I am one step closer to finishing the list.  As of today, I have 655 days to complete other things on the list.  While it have not been on the front of my mind, it has still be present and I hae some plans to knock some more things off!

BTW: Getting married just happen to fall at #86, the numbers have no bearing on when they get completed or any priority.

What is it with me and stairs?!


Lego House On A Hill


Another great flickr find via one of the many Lego creator groups on

New Monster: Peggie


This is Peggie, the Penguin.  While she really isn’t a “Monster”, I am adding her to that collection for the time being.  While stumbling last night I came across I penguin similar to this and thought, I bet I can remake her in my own style, so I did. I must say, she is quite lovely!

Wood Bin Dock Icon Collection


If you have been following along this past week, you have noticed I have added some recent work called, Wood Bin Icons for my stacks on my dock.  Just yesterday I completed the last one and have now compiled them all into an icon set. If you would like to download and use them and learn how to implement them, read more (more…)

Flickr Find: Wall Calendar


Doing a little late night stumbling last night, I can across this great idea for a FULL sized wall Calendar.  I though it was quite unique.  While I don’t know how practical this would be for a daily calendar, it might be great for marketing or repeat events such as birthdays and so forth.  It gives a very quick and LARGE view of what is coming up.  Just might have to “implement” this sometime soon.

New Dock Icon – iLife Wood Bin


Here is the last “stack” folder dock icon with the Wood Bin theme.  This one is the iLife suite of applications from Apple.  In this icon is the iMovie, iPhoto, (even thought I do not use it any more), Garage Band, Photo Booth and iChat icons.  These are all Apples icons, I do not claim any ownership of those icons.

If you would like to use this icon for your dock, you can download it here.

New Dock Icon – Apple Wood Bin


I just finished yet another on of my wood bin icons for my “stack” folder Apple that lives on my dock.  This one holds my Aperture and Final Cut Express short cuts.  While yes, there is another folder for iWork and soon-to-be iLife, I keep the apple programs that I had to pay for seperate from those.  iLife and iWork are their own “suites” of programs, this one is for the professional Apple Programs.

Want to use this icon for your dock?  Download the icon here.

Encoding Bin Icon


Here is my latest icon for my dock.  I have another stack on my dock that holds all of my “encoding” apps for various things.  Things that I won’t go into detail here.  This is pretty much the same thing as the Adobe bin just with a bunch of different icons. I do not claim ownership of any of the images or icon used with in this icon, (legal jargon).

If you would like to use this icon as well, feel free to download it here, it is contained in a zip file as the icon file is “empty”.

New Dock Icon – iWork Bin


Yet another icon for the dock.  This one is the iWork suite of programs from Apple.  iWork is a great alternative to MS Office for the mac.  I have been using it for a year now and love it! Again, the icons used with in the image and icon or not mine and do not claim ownership of them. I am just using them to make a pretty dock icon for my stack folder on the dock.

If you would like to download and use this icon, be my guest.  You can find the icon in this zip file.