CV of Justin Lang

iPad Cutting Board – Yes Please

What a great idea!  To bad Apple is shutting them down as the cutting board looks to much like a real iPad.   Ummmm, ok

Changes Are Coming

These are exciting times that we live in.  There are a whole host of reasons for this, but in my life, a change is happening that makes it exciting for me and Renee.  At the current moment, I have to give you as little information as possible as somethings need to be announced by others before I can talk about it.

I hate to leave you in the dark, just know that a big announcement is on it’s way. I promise that this is good. And no mother, it is not a baby! ;)

Makes Me Want to Get a Dog Even More

Milk Shots

Kiss, Laugh, Dream

Think about it.

Little Over a Week into 2011… WHOA!

Wow, 2011 is CRAZY.  Things are starting off with a bang and what a dash it is.  Some many things going on, so many personal, and professional projects are under way.  Seems like any few moment to taken up with one or another list.

Good news, this are slowly coming off the list.  It may be slow to take something off the list, but it feels sooooo good when it happens!  Time to knock off another thing today.

Week 1 Mission: Anwser CopyBloggers 125 Questions

Remember how I said things are changing this year of 2011.  An interesting and new idea I came up with is weekly missions. Something that isn’t OVERLY complicated, but something that I want to finish before the week is over with.

So, for week one of 2011, the mission is this. Complete the 125 question posed by CopyBlogger. Not terribly difficult, but something that might just take all week. Lets see if I can keep up with the weekly missions!

Happy New Year and a Set of Personal Goals

Awhile ago I created a 101 list.  It was a listing of 101 things that I wanted to accomplish in 1001 days.  I still have the list and have completed a number of things off the list, but damn if I am am anywhere close to finishing things on it!

While the idea of a 101 list is a great idea, I think 1001 days might be a little to long of a time frame to accomplish things.  “Oh, I have time, I have time”, “I can start that later”.  Then of course I jam packed the list with some pretty crazy expectations. “Replace soda with water”… what the hell was I thinking? I LOVE soda!

I also set some really outrageous monetary goals.  Looking back on it now, those were some pretty awesome pipe dreams. Looking back over the list, I do regret not starting or even trying to accomplish some of them.  Come on, who wouldn’t want to see up Lady Liberties Dress?

So a New Year, a new list.  Call it a new year’s resolution, call it what you want.  I call it my expectations of 2011 in my personal life. So here we go, time to keep things realistic and something to be proud of on December 31, 2011.

  1. Less time in front of the TV and a more focused mind on life and work.
  2. Take better care of myself. ie: doctors, dentist and general mind set.
  3. Put into action some of these crazy awesome ideas I have floating around.
  4. Explore new technologies and hobbies.

These all sound really generalized goals to you.  To me, they mean so much more. There is a bit of interpretation needed in some, but as the year progresses, I’ll be sure to explain each one as it comes off the list. For now, the list will be a sort of living document that will hopefully be expanded on during this first month of 2011.  We’ll see how things go.

For now, make 2011 a Happy, Prosperous and Bright New Year!

Griffin or Justin… This is Getting Scary

This is getting really scary.  If I didn’t take this picture, I just might mix this up as myself once again.  I SWEAR there is a photo out there of me in this exact same pose.  I really need to get the old family photos scanned in and cataloged. Sounds like a New Year’s Resolution???

Spinnaker Chair

I love to sit and I love to sail. While I don’t get to do much of the latter, this chain combines both!  The Spinnaker Chair from

the chair is made from used spinnaker sails, and most importantly, HEAVY CUSHIONS!  I love re-purposed materials and am always on the hunt for an interesting design for seating and office furniture.  I still want the pixel couch!  But how awesome would this be as a tv chair?  I don’t think it will fit the design layout of our house, but I don’t care!

I haven’t been able to find a price or even a dealer in the US as this is a Norwegian company.  Hopefully someday they will make it across the big blue.