CV of Justin Lang

My Next Desk

I love a good desk.  Hell, it is where you spend a good potion of your work life at, so why not have one that you love and liking being at all day. I have always had a weak spot for an old drafting table.  Not only the quality craftsmanship, but also the memories that a desk holds.  Then there is just the shear size of the desk.  PLENTY of roam to spread out and organize yourself.  Last but not least, a good place to do what your suppose to do at a drafting desk… DRAFT! Hand drafting is a dying art and it’s something I certainly do not want to loose, but that is a whole different post.

So here is just one drafting desk I found and love.  Add it to the new Desk Morgue.

What a Summer and Start of Fall

Man oh man, has it been one great summer and start of fall.  There is so much stuff going on with Renee and I as well as my work, it hard to keep afloat.  But some how Renee and I have been SOME what able to keep up.  There are still things to do, things to finish and things to start thinking of.  Hopefully it won’t take me another month and a half to post any updates.

Mayor of My Domain

How awesome is that shirt?!?  Renee got this for me for my birthday… I LOVE IT.  Now everyone knows who the Mayor is! Thanks Renee, I love it so much!

The Most Amazing Wife

I really have an amazing wife.  She really made yesterday special for me!  While traveling last week I found this song from Never Shout Never, Can’t Stand It.  It really expresses how I feel.  THANKS RENEE!

Ghetti Dalton Pencil Lead Art

I can’t find a link to the artist website, sorry, but WOW.  Out of all the pencil led art that this person has done, the one above is my favorite!

Present Idea: Coffee Grinder

Here is another great present idea for August 30th.  Renee and I have a couple of bags of whole been coffee that we need to grind up with no coffee grinder in sight.

I am no hipster by any means, but I love the idea of a hand-cranked coffee grinder.  Is it a requirement, of course not. A simple electric coffee grinder will work just as well.

BUT, if you heart tells you to seek out a hand cranked coffee grind, I just might have you over for some home roasted Kona Coffee that a friend gave me earlier in the year.

If you don’t know the pleasure of Kona Coffee, I feel sorry for you, I honestly do!

Present Idea: Timbuk2 Gift Card

Update: I got my Timbuk 2 bag for “my birthday 2009”.

It’s coming down to the wire.  There are only 10 more days left to get your present ordered up for my big day!  Here is yet another present idea for you.

I love Timbuk2 bags.  I have been using a messenger commuter bag for a couple of years now and it is time to upgrade and show my true colors with a “custom” designed bag. If the mod strikes you, a Timbuk2 Gift certificate in any denomination will work for me. What can I say, I am easy to please!

Like Stamp

Can’t get enough of the Facebook Like button?  Now you can “Like” documents! Pretty stupid, but awesome at the same time!

Reuse: Floppy Disk Notepad

What a great idea!  I love little note books and I have a ton of old floppy disk sitting around from old shows on the Express and Expression desk.  This might be a fun craft project for the kids some day.

BACON… mmm

I just remembered this photo from last week. Mmmmmmmmmmmm BACON