CV of Justin Lang

Present Ideas: FourSquare Badge Buttons

Did you know that my birthday is right around the corner?  If not, YOU SHOULD, it’s August 30th.  Mark your calendar.  To help out with present ideas, I created a catergory awhile ago, Present Ideas.  It’s to help you figure out what to get me for almost any occasion.

Just today, FourSquare, the Social Networking “Check-in” website started offering foursquare apparel. Now I am a sucker for a good pin and this pack ROCKS!  It’s a pretty cheap present, I am easy to please so why not pick it up for me huh?

Photo Hunt: Bridges

I have been given the task of hunting down and taking photos of bridges for my mother-in-law.  Call it a photo hunt if you will.  Talk about a fun project!  I have certain parameters that I need to meet in the type of bridges such as truss bridges, similar to the golden gate bridge and the image above.  If you know of any bridges in the DC metro area, let me know, we can have a photo shoot someday!

Outdoor Living – BBQ Pit/Grill & Patio Idea

We have a HUGE backyard and it is AWESOME, but what to do with it?!  My brothers Brazilian friend wants to help us build a BBQ pit to make some Brazilian BBQ.  By the way, if you have not tried Brazilian BBQ… GET OUT THERE AND TRY IT… fantastic stuff!

Along with the BBQ pit, why not add a small outdoor living area to enjoy the wonderful smells that come off the pit? So here is just an idea and layout that I like.  Someday I’ll get around to it, but first the house needs some lovin’.

Tattooing Lego Figures

I love everything Lego! They are such a great toy, you can build from the “blueprints” or like my brothers and I did when we were younger, build all kinds of crazy stuff.  Something that I seem to remember is coloring some of our Lego figures for “military operations” and stuff.  But this takes the cake, tattooing a figure with an Pilot Extra-Fine pen?! I think I would go blind and crazy try to achieve this kind of detail on something so small!

Check out some of the other tattooed Lego fixtures on uFunk.

House in a High Place

I love homes in high places.  This kind of reminds me of Maui.  Wish I could go back.

The Wild Kingdom Expands

The animal count just keeps going up and up.  Yesterday we dug up one of the azaleas in the front to move it to the other side of the house.  Guess who was chilling out in the roots of the azaleas!

He was only about 8″ to 12″ long, but sure took me by surprise.  At first I thought it was a worm, how wrong I was! And no, I didn’t kill it, I put it in the woods WAY behind the house.

Turtle in the Yard

I swear, we have the living kingdom in our backyard.  First is it a deer, then a bunch of squirrels and birds, a praying mantis then a raccoon and now a turtle?!?  I can only imaging what will show up next in the vastness of our backyard.  At least the turtle stuck around a bit for me to get some close up shots of him!

Wedding of Jenn & Ryan Stienbiser

I just added some of my favorite photos to my design site, Justin Lang Design, that I took while at a friends wedding last week.  Yes, I broke the rule of shooting a friends wedding while being a guest, but I enjoy doing it! I of course was not the photographer for the wedding, but I still had a fun time doing it.

Congrats once again to the happy couple!

Up Close and Personal with a Praying Mantis

While Renee was out of town last week, I was home alone… But BUSY as hell, so it was good thing I was alone right?  I was in the backyard looking over a some things, getting some things planned out when a Praying Mantis scared the crap out of me.

This thing is as big as my thumb… and it scared me, pretty sad, I know.  After laughing at myself for a bit, I ran in side and grabbed the camera and had a photo shoot with a bug. Yes, a bug.  He took direction pretty well, but kept looking off camera, little bugger!

Turns out, I got a couple of good shots and here is my favorite. “You lookin’ at me?”

What is Left of My AWESOME Tattoo

After only a couple of days, my tattoo for this past weekend is already fading!  WTH… I guess that is what happens when you use “tattoo markers”.  This is as close as I am getting to the real thing.