CV of Justin Lang

My Mini Burgers- Mmmmmm


One day a few years ago I was watching food channel with Renee.  Why, I have no idea, BUT, some good did come out of it.  Who ever was on, I don’t remember who, came up with a neat idea for mini burgers for foot balls games.  Of course hear burgers i perked up but to late to get the recipe.  So I made one up!


  • 1 pound of ground meat
  • 1 tube of crescent rolls
  • your favorite cheese n burgers

How hard can it be right?!

Prepare the meat for grilling like you normally do for burgers.  I use Worcestershire sauce and some sea salt and mix it into the raw meat and then make the paddies.  I normally get about 16 small paddies out of 1 pound of meat.

Next, grill the meat up like you normally would on the grill or frying pan.  Now you don’t need to cook them ALL the way through, may be still a little red inside even if you like them well done.

Once done on the grill, let the burgers rest and relax, perfect time for a new beer! After they are cooled down some, roll out the crescent roll dough flat and cut it up into 16 parts even.  May seem a little small, but no worries!

After that, grab one of the burgers, a piece of cheese cut to size of the mini burger, take one square of the crescent roll and wrapp it up!

I tent to wrap the entire mini burger so none of the cheese leaks out.  You may need to stretch the crescent roll dough some, if it breaks, just squeeze that part back together!

Once all the burgers are wrapped up, put them on to a greased cookie sheet and cook like the crescent roll directions say.

Little time consuming as we have to cook twice, but OH SO WORTH IT.  Make a bunch, through the left over into the fridge, they re-heat nicely in the microwave.  I tend to snack on them cold, they are just as great!

Photoshop Fridge Magnets


Want another great gift idea for me?  How about the Photoshop Fridge Magnet set from  Yes, I love me some Photoshop and what better way to show it and be “in” photoshop while not even on the computer!?

For only $24.99, how can you go wrong with this gift? And yes, I am starting my Christmas list early!  Someone always complains that I never give enough gift ideas.  Maybe I should start a gift registry!

Monsterpod Camera Mount


UPDATE: Got this Christmas 2009

If you are looking to get me something for my birthday/Christmas or whatever, let me suggest something for you, the Monsterpod from  This is a neat idea for mounting a camera some place.  Think of it as a tri-pod/suction cup.  We could have used this in Maui!

For only $30, it is not a bad idea for a present or a way of telling me that you love me! ;)

On Location With the Ion


So where has Justin been in the past couple of days?  The Kennedy Center right here in DC.  I was brought in to train the guys at the Concert Hall of the Kennedy Center on their new Ion lighting consoles from ETC.  Talk about being in aw.  It is quite amazing being in the space that not only is the site of the National Symphony Orchestra, but also the Kennedy Center Honor Awards where large number of big names come through.

It was quite the experience going through the consoles features with your back to the stage and looking towards the house.  It really felt like I was performing in one of the greatest houses in the world.

The Anatomy of a Lego Mini Figure

Another wonderful stumble upon find!

GE: Augment Your Reality With A Web Cam

ge-ecomagination-2The GE Ecomagination team has come up with something that is pretty cool. While it doesn’t do much other the display something pretty cool, it def gets your attention and with the right graphics, makes you read and find out more about it.

With a web cam and a printer, you can get a “3D” image to appear in front of you!  If you have a web cam and some time to play around, visit the GE Ecomagination Smart Grid site to play around with it.

Oh Yeah, while you are there… learn something about how to save and reduce energy why don’t you!!!

Great Bath Tub Idea


While in Maui for our Honeymoon, I really fell in love with the Polonishian style of architecture!  The open space and breez ways was just awesome. While it was nto realy secure, but there was no need for air conditioning.  This bath tube design really reminds me of the style.

Ping Pong/Beer Pong Table/Door

table_door-topWe use to o something like this in college in order to play beer pong.  Only, we actually took the door off the hinges.  How awesome is this?

New Photo Series: Lego Justin


Starting a new phot series here on ChimpWalk called, Lego Justin. While I am not totally excited about “my” current outfit, I just haven’t had time to get to my REAL lego collection to find the right “cloths”.  So I am kicking off the series with a phot from the Honeymoon, Lego Justin Swimming in Fries.  This was taken only after being on the island for a few days.  The resturant, Cool Cats Cafe in Lahina on the west side of Maui.  Good Greasy food, reminds me of Five Guys!

The Perfect Coffee Mug


Over the last couple of years now I have really taking a liking to coffee and HAVE to have at least one cup in the morning.  Some days I require more.  As any avid coffee consumer knows, if you do not drink your coffee at a ‘quick” pace, the coffee can be come room temperature quickly.

Well, some Physicists from Fraunhofer Institute have created the Perfect Coffee Mug.  The mug is able to maintain the beverages exact temperature for 30 minutes.  The Perfect Mug has some pretty cool things going on inside of it.  Inside there’s an aluminum structure which gets filled with PCM, (Phase Change Material).  PCM is a substance used in construction of witer clothing and is capable of storing and releasing heat or cold.

In its original state it is a solid but. Then, when it receives heat, it absorbs it like a sponge liquifying into a gooey wax. As the PCM solidifies it releases the energy at a steady pace, keeping any liquid or room at the perfect temperature. In houses, they achieve this by filling hollow walls with PCM, which absorbs heat from the sun, and then releases it as the atmosphere cools down, keeping the room at a perfect temperature.

Sounds like a lot of science.  Which is all good and neat, just hurry up and MASS PRODUCE IT ASAP please!