CV of Justin Lang

The Astroids Galaxy Tour – The Golden Age

I am hooked thanks to Heineken!

Best Thing About Traveling

I have always loved to travel.  It is so exciting visiting a new and different place.  Lately I have been visiting the same place for the last couple of months with no end in sight.  I love Vegas, think of something you want to try or do, Vegas probably offers it some where.  Then of course there is the gambling.  I like to gamble, but not the way some people expect to come home breaking the house.  It’s fun, it’s exciting, but hell if I am loosing my pants like so many people do night after night for the last 50 years in that desert town. Like I said, I love Vegas, but I am so over the hype.

Traveling takes a lot out of a person, especially when fly across the country.  A four hour flight seems easy, but there is the hour or two before hand, the security lines, the cramped space of a plane, the wait to get on and off the plane.  Not to mention if you check a bag! The time just keeps adding up.  Then, in my case, the hour drive home. What was a four hour flight, turned into an eight hour trip. So much fun!

The best part about traveling has to be getting home to familiar territory and of course the wife.  Even though most times she is already deep in sleep, it’s nice to be there, sharing our bed and knowing that she is less then a foot away rather then 2,000 miles and three time zones a part.

It’s so good to be home!

The Starwars Family

This happens just a bit, I take a photo, mean to put it up but it gets forgotten about on my iPhone until I randomly go through the photos.  This is just one of those photos.  I took this a month or two ago in a parking garage.

Once I saw it, I immediately thought of my oldest brother and his family.  I think I am now on a mission to find these stickers for their family car.  I know one kid that would FLIP OUT over these.

LEDs Out The ASS!

I worked an interesting job last night that required soo many LED fixtures for simple up lighting. It took forever to setup for a dinner that was for just under 25 people and 2 hours. Little excessive?

I don’t care, I had fun! I just wish they wanted more then pinks, purples and blues.

Noktor 50mm f/0.95 HYPERPRIME Lens

I think i have fallen in love with the Noktor HyperPrime 50mm f/0.95 lens!  Oh how much do I like the!

More Griffin

I think I have found one of my new favorite subjects to photograph.  I don’t know if he is posing for me or understands what I am doing, but he seems pretty natural if you ask me.

Griffin In Attack Mode

Office Interior Idea

This is total wishful thinking for the future! I really like the open design and the moderness of the design.  Some day… some day.

Happy Valentines Day & My New Kicks!

Check out my new kicks!  Renee got them for me for Valentines Day!  I love them!!! Honestly, I should have known that is what I was getting as I mentioned I wanted a pair back during Christmas.  Regardless, I love them, they are great! I really hope she likes the flowers I got her! ;)

Simple and Elegant Bike Design

I know right… what a great design!  I love the simple handle bar and that it is made of wood!  Check out more photos at