CV of Justin Lang

Simple Cable Management for Laptops

At work, I run off my MacBook and only have a couple of cords to power up and print things from the laptop.  Of course, I connect to the network via a wireless signal!  But the cords have the tendency to drop off the front of my desk.  How did I not think of something so simple as this?  So nice, so neat.  I guess you have to be right brained to come up with something so simple to a common problem.

My Weekend of Driving & Family

I wish that I could say that my three day weekend was more exciting then it was.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I had a great time seeing the Upstate family and hanging out and of course going to the casino.  But 16 hours of driving in three days SUCKS!  I wish I could have stayed longer, but my vacation time is no-existant. :(

The time I did have upstate was great, even though the last night I did get one of my killer headaches.  I did snap off a couple of photos while up there, only 150 this time around, so a light shoot for me.  I think I got a great shot of he sunset with a sail boat off in the horizon.  What do you think?

Summer 2010 Song: Dirty Heads – Lay Me Down Featuring Rome

Each summer it seems as though I pick a song that I think describes or atleast is a great summer time song.  I have been doing this for a number of years.  This year seems to be no different.  This year it is Lay Me Down from Dirty Heads featuring Rome from Sublime.

I think it really captures the relaxing mood that summer puts me in… well, use to put me in when I didn’t have a REAL job.  Anyways, have a listen.

Point to Your Coat

Yet another great design/home idea.  I don’t know what it is with me, but I love using design elements for decorating.  Again, this one MIGHT make it into the office some day, but we’ll have to see.  Some how I just don’t see these making it in the the main living space.

In Honor of William Robert Lang

In memory of my late grandfather that pasted away May 6 of this year, I am changing the header image of the site for a bit.  While the image doesn’t show him or signify him, it is of one of his favorite views in the world.

The photo was taken from my grandfathers house in Copper Harbor Michigan, over looking Lake Fannie Hooe.  This is the magnificent view that you get from looking out the front window or standing on the deck overlooking the lake.

I have many many great memories up in Copper Harbor, and many of which are of Curley and grandma Lang. Spending time in the upper peninsula has always meant something special for me.  I am lucky enough to have someone in my life that shares the understanding of such a wonderful and remote place.  Like I mentioned to my father, this is only the beginning of another generation of Langs enjoying what my grandparents started.

You can view a selection of the 1100+ photos that I took during my 3 days in the harbor by going to

Different Drawers

I love stumble, it really makes time go by some times when you are waiting for something to finish or happen.  I have found some really neat ideas that I would love to incorporate into the house, but something tells me the wife just might not go for this one.

Is this the artist coming out in me or the “recycler” that wants to reduce and re-use? Maybe when we get around to completing the office in the basement, I might have to build this, time to go dumpster diving!

Crazy End of Week

it was a crazy end to my week. Hella busy at work, crazy amounts of writing and just stupid crap happening which is also known as life. It never fails that you have all of these great plans and then something totally random throws a monkey wrench into everything and you just go CRAZY.

Of course I get really bent out of shape when that happens and I take it out on Renee. Not the best idea and I fell really bad about that. So I am sorry, now let’s save the rest of the weekend and prepare for what crap life throws at us this week.

Coors Lite Home Draft – Still Taste Like Crap

While on vacation over the fourth, my genius brother Jason decided it would be a great idea to pick up a Coors Lite Home Draft to consume.  Of course we had plenty of other beers on hand, but we just HAD to try the 1.5 gallon Home Draft.

Let me tell you, do not waste your time.  First, I have never been a big fan of Coors Lite and draft beer.  So I guess I was predisposed not to like it.  Was it worth it….hmmm, maybe, that is if you like foam.  It was great at giving you a bunch of foam when you poured and some beer. It did however cut down on empty cans and bottles, but it also cut down our 10 cent deposit on those the next day.  Catch 22 I guess.

If you like Coors Lite and want a portable party, the Home Draft might be just right for you.

A New Home & A New Start

I have been pretty horiable about alot of things lately.  My recent trip to Michigan with my family opened my eyes and made me think about what I am doing and what I am missing.  One thing that I have been lacking is keeping up with my own personal site and blog.  As you may have found out, my old blog has gone away. I am not really sure why I choose that site name and why I used it, but it is gone and never to come back.  It really wasn’t descriptive of my and who I am.

Sure, it had my stuff on it and was all about me, but it wasn’t me, this is me! So once again, I start from the beginning and commit to new beginnings while still remembering the past.  After some headaches, I was able to bring my old writing over and start off where I left.

There are still a couple of things left to do on my 101 list and time is running out.  Will I finish it?  Maybe not, but it will not be because I didn’t try. I also have a couple of new projects and ideas that I would like to see get off the ground, but more about that in the near future.  For now, it is time to polish this site, commit to my family and my life while still finding order amongst the chaos.

Watch for a new look, ideas and work here on MY site, I can promise you that.

#55 & #57 Off the List

I have been meaning to write about this for a LONG TIME now.  I am happy to say that I can mark off two pretty big items off my Zero Day List.  As of April 19th, Renee and I purchased a house, our very first house!  It is a lovely little 3 bedroom, 1 bath Cape Code right outside of the beltway in Beacon Hill.  That means I am able to make off one HUGE item from the list, #55, buy a house!  I was also able to mark off # 57, buy a new bed!

Renee and I have done some major work on the house to make it our home, but there is still a bunch of things that we want to do.  As of right now, the house is very livable and we love it, especially the back yard! I plan on writing more about it in the near future, but here is a photo from the day we closed on the house.