CV of Justin Lang

Lego in a Different Sort of Use

I love lego.  There is just something so about the toy that I grew up with my whole life.  Lego truly make you think and express your building creativity.  Here is a look at lego in a totally different sort of use that I love!

Coffee Mugs for Me

UPDATE: I still like the first mug, but I did get a camera lens mug!

Are you still looking for Christmas present ideas for me?  If not, you SHOULD  be! I love me a good cup of coffee and what better way to accessorize it my showing off my creative side.  I wish I had links, but I don’t.  Be the best Google Sleuth you can be and find them! ;)

Time for Change

With my other site design completed, loaded and up and running, it is time to think about changing my home here at chimpwalk.  I have been doing some thinking over the holiday about what I want to do.  Now that my time is a little more “free”, I might just have to sit down one night and work on this design.

I am pretty sure that is on my 101 list! If not, to bad, it still needs to happen!

Old French Country House


home-on-the-insideSome more great ideas for a future house! Love the worn wood and the use of open space.

Apple Meets Fashion


Talk about recycling!  I’ll have to look around my old apple things to see if I can make this!

Sea Turtles

Under Water Sea Turtle

This just makes me want to go back to Hawaii

LaCie iamaKey

iamaKey_angleUPDATE: Got this myself ;)

Just another great gift idea for Justin.  While yes it doe come in three sizes, I would PREFER at least the 8 gig version.  You can get it from LaCie here.


BH Photo has is just a little cheaper.

MERRY CHRISTMAS… well before thanksgiving

An Urban Home Design I Could Live In!

laidley_051109_010This could make for a really nice office separate from the house!!

See more photos here.

Bud Light Speaker Box – TAILGATE APPROVED


Now if only the beer was any good, I just might buy a box!

Best License Plate Ever!


You have got to love the VA-DMV some days for let letting plats likt this get through the system!