CV of Justin Lang

Another Tradeshow, Another Trip

Since starting my new job, I have traveled more then I have ever before.  In my last job I did a bit of traveling, but nothing like this.  It seems as though I should have an apartment or something at BWI with the amount of time I spend in this airport. Like most people, I like getting to the airport early as you never know with traffic, security and everything that comes with air travel. I get a bit done while waiting for the plane to board.  I get to write a bit, sip a mediocre cup of coffee from Starbucks and do a bit of people watching.

This week takes me to Orlando Florida for the InfoComm 2011 tradeshow.  It is a short trip compared to some of my travels lately. Though still, three nights away is just as tough as five or seven nights away.  I like to travel, though two trips a month is getting pretty draining.  Both physically and mentally. A week at home is nice, but it seems as though I get nothing done since I am recovering and catching up from being away.

I am still finding my groove and trying to balance travel, work and my home life.  It has been taxing lately on Renee and us. Looking at my calendar, it shows signs of slowing down for the summer. An added bonus is we are taking a mini vacation for the fourth of July.  It will be nice to get away, and yes I do plan on disconnecting!

Overall, I am loving what I am doing and I don’t really consider it a “job”. Yes it is work, but I like it. I am enjoying what I am doing. It has just taken a bit to find my groove.Call me Stella as I am still in search of my groove.

Time For Change

I have been playing with the layout of my personal blog for some time now.  When ever I had a bit of free time, which by the way is never, I would mess around with the layout.  I have been generally quite happy with the new design… overall.  I have been tweaking it, changing font, deciding how I want to things to show up.  for the past six months, the design hasn’t changed much.  I like it! It is my “presence” on the web. Sure, I have other sites that I work on day in and day out and post pretty regularly to.  But this is my home for everything I do… personally at least.

My Time as of late has been… well… limited.  I have spent countless hours on planes, trains and yes, automobiles.  I don’t want to begin to think of how many hours.  Lets just leave it at a lot. So time to push pixels and play with some css has been next to none. Better put, none period. Since I am fairly happy with the overall design of my personal CV site, I have decided to throw caution to the wind and change to the updated theme.  Yes, it may not be complete and “off” at points, but as most things in my life, it is in progress.

Feel free to tell me what you think, I like emails. Please understand though, it is still a work in progress and NOT UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Hate that term, so 1990’s.

My New Winter Hat

@rrybak, Can We Get Married Again?

Tell me this isn’t cause to get married again?!?!

Tiles for the Bathroom… HELLA YES

Probably not the best idea to use this inside of the shower…

Peeps Morn

I just noticed some monster ate the ears and eyes off the chocolate bunny from this past weekend.  The peeps morn the death.

Happy Easter

Now that is an Easter basket!

Lego Justin -TCB

After the last post, I kinda had to do it!

TCB Glasses

Renee seems to think I look stupid with my new TCB shades.  I have to say, I rather like them!  Hey, when in Vegas right?!?

CSS Debug Ouline Snippet

* { outline: 2px dotted red }
* * { outline: 2px dotted green }
* * * { outline: 2px dotted orange }
* * * * { outline: 2px dotted blue }
* * * * * { outline: 1px solid red }
* * * * * * { outline: 1px solid green }
* * * * * * * { outline: 1px solid orange }
* * * * * * * * { outline: 1px solid blue }

I usually keep this block of rules at the top of a stylesheet, commented out with /*…*/, which I remove when I want to see the structure.

via Chris Page