CV of Justin Lang

Gov. Tim Kain at WTOP Party

I recently worked the lights at the Newseum event for WTOP’s 40 anniversery party. One of the speakers was Gov. Tim Kain of the commonwealth of Virginia. I got a chance to speak with Gov. Kain. “sir, I love what you are doing. Keep it up”. Gov. Kains response, “I love what I do”. What a great guy!

Interesting Use of a Thumbdrive

thumbdrive_searchI posted a tweet tonight about setting up Quickbooks and I got areply from @YourSavvyVA.  She was ready to help and answer questions.  Well, after I couldn’t read the small print in the setup, and I mean SMALL PRINT.  I just gave up and will set it up tomorrow, hell, I have more time tomorrow and the pizza JUST arrived.

Well, I checked out her site realy quick and will have to explore it more, but I found the search feild AWESOME.  BTW, love the design over all.

To Close?

closeup_on_gooseFound this somewhere on the internet. Not to sure about the license agreement on this one, but then again, I just like the photo!

Irony in full force

This is a very interesting photo. I will have to explain this one deeper when time allows!


Ok, so if you look closely at the photo, at the top of the window inside, you will see what looks like Christmas lights or something.


It is those 5 hour energy drink bottles!  Not only where they lined up on the drivers side, but also the passengers side.  I stopped at a gas station to get a coke and saw this.  What is ironic here is that the two guys inside the truck were asleep.  Looks like they needed a refresher of the 5 hour enery drink!

New Home Project – Wine Cellar

spiral-staircase-wine-cellar-designDid a little stumbling today and came across this idea for new wine cellar. Good thing Renee likes it!  This will be the first “home improvement” job on the new house. WHEN the new house comes around.

Check out more here.

Shhhhhhhhh, I Can Only Hold It In For So Long

shhhhhhI have got some of the hottest news and what do I have to do, I HAVE TO SIT ON IT!

There are some really exciting things coming up and I have all the information, but I have to play nice and sit pretty.  Which by the way is easy with a face like mine! ;)

While I can’t say much more, look for more info shortly.

Mac Lite Up with a Mac

mac_and_mac.JPG While this not to much of interesting photo, I though it was kind of funny. This is one of my co-workers white mac book in our booth. I had our moving light pointed right where he left the mac, it was just scrolling through the colors to show off some of the features. What is cool about the fixture is that it too is called a mac. So a mac was lite up with a mac!

Don’t ask about the weird stripping, I am not sure what was going on there.

It's Offical: New Design Gone Live


We kids, it is official, a new site design that I have been working on for the past month has gone live with it’s first posting. The Owner of the site is a friend and co-worker of mine through Barbizon in New England. He is starting to write for Live Design and his first article this month is the importance of a good web presence.

The goal of the site is to show off his lighting design work and writing skills. We utilized WordPress as the content manager as it is simple to use and easy to integrate new plug-in’s and upgrade.

This theme is not for sale and is the property of Zoll Design. If you like what you see, please feel free to contact me through my design firm, Justin Lang Design,

Visit the completed site at

Photo From the Beach


Pretty easy one to understand. Took this one this past week while down in VAb for work.

iMac Chandiler


I took this about two weeks ago on the iPhone and forgot it was there. this is a gutted iMac tangerine G3 with a regular a-lamp inside. This is one of about 8 or so hanging in the creative section of a production that i know of through work. I thought this was pretty damn cool. I think I may have to make one myself!