CV of Justin Lang

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

It is that time of year again where we take a day out of our busy schedules to take a minute to be thankful for everything that we have and our family and friends.

So on this, the 27th day of November, I wish everyone a happy thanksgiving and a safe and festive holidays.

Have a wonderful new year!

Yammer, Yet Another Thing to Keep Up With!!1

I was over on Facebook this evening and one of my co-workers mentioned this new site called  It is just like twitter where you post quick updates about what you doing and whats going on.

If you’re not familiar with twitter, yammer and twitter are similar to bloging but you only have about 150 characters to write about.   The interesting part about yammer is that it is a mix between twitter and linkedin.  Yammer is business oriented.  Now I am not sure if you are able to “follow” other people outside of your business but it’s only another thing to keep up with and to play with.

I have added my yammer profile link to the left.  See you there!

Photo Around DC

I have been meaning to post this for a while. I shot this over a month ago while I was in the city for work. I took it with the iPhone and I must say, I am still impressed with the image quality that the iPhone can take!

So, I was standing on a street corner waiting to go into a call when I say this grown man ride up on a GIRLS bike.  I just could not belive it that this guy would be caught riding that thing.  Maybe he is some sort of hippster, I don’t know.

I could not pull the iPhone out quick enough the grab this shot!  Make sure to capture this guy in all his glory by clicking the image to see the full size!

Scrooge Opens Thuresday Night at LTA

I have been working on a lighting design for The Little Theatre of Alexandria’s production of Scrooge, The Musical.  We had a really good run through last night.  Tonight is sponsor night and the the show opens Friday night.  I took a quick shot of the set with the iPhone to give a sneak peak.  Once I get some of the production shots, I’ll make sure to post them.  Click the image to get your tickets now.  The show is selling out quick!

The Perfect Marriage

You are witnessing the marriage of two of my favorite things once again, Apple and Lego’s.  This photo is from an event the the Texas LUG was invited to “present” at.  The image comes from the wonderful world of Flickr.

I ask you, how did the legomites live with out an Apple store befor this????

Apple 23" Cinema Display EOL

Talk about the luck of the Irish, even though I am not Irish!  I just heard that the 23″ Ciema Display from Apple has gone EOL (End of Life).  It is a good thing I picked mine up about 4 months ago with the Mac Pro!

You can still get one from teh Refurb Shop on  I am guessing that the new 24″ monitor is taking it’s place.  But it is going to be interesting to see how apple with deal with the new display port to goto DVI as that is what the Mac Pro uses!

LTA and Getting SCROOGED

Spent another LONG day at the theatre last night working on the lights for Scrooge, The Musical.  I still have a ways to go before I call it done.  But it MUCT be ready for opening night on Thuresday this week.  So if you can’t find me, you’ll know why.

I have to do ALL my work in the dark now and have to wait for the stage to be clear with no people.  And of course that is only after the run through or during the day, which is when I am at work…. SO…evenings it is!

Just Got Word…MORE WORK!

I just got word from the boss man, we are going to be putting together a new marketing piece for the office. And the best part is, I have total design control. And to top it off, I am going to be able to mark off one of my 101 list items because of it.

We are going to be using to print out materials as we need.  Lulu is a print on demand kind of thing.  You can also market peices to be sold around the world!  While I don’t think this will happen with this piece, it will be  learning expience with Lulu to get other things made!

When the job is complete, I’ll make sure to post the artwork.

All Kinds of Excited!!1

So things seem to be working over at my other blog, my PROFESSIONAL blog if you will,  As you may remember, was the original home for a couple of years for this, my personal blog.  I have always wanted to do something special with it and I finally put two and two together and got five…. Bad Joke.  Actually, it is pretty much the same thing it has always been, a blog.  It’s just to focus of the blog that changed!

The story goes like this.  I love my job, if only for the fact that I get to see ALL kinds of new stuff before it is released or I get a demo of it because the manufacturers want us to sell it.  Since I get to see all these great things, why not put that knowledge to some good use and get the word out on it?  There really is not a definitive site that announces all the entrainment lighting equipment out there.  Of course there are some, but the focus on the big picture, sound, video, production supplies and stuff like that.  So isquint will be geared towards the theatre and entertainment lighting products and services.

What I am all kinds of excited about is the fact that I have been doing some announcements about some of the newer products that have been announced recently and I contacted the manufacturers that make them and they have been really receptive about getting me a demo units to do these reviews.  What I am relly excited about is that one of my favorite programs for the industry is about to be updated and the developer has agreed to send me out a demo version when beta becomes available.  How awesome is that??!?!

So look for exciting new lighting products to be announced and reviewed over at

November 4th – A Day of Changes Comith

On this day of our national voting day and our “God Given” right, have you made it to your polling place?  This is so important that it can not be summerized in just one post and under 500 words so I won’t even try.  Just know that things are not working right now.  Can we as American’s afford 4 more years of the same?

I didn’t think so.

So regardless of your party offiliation or membership, get out there and exersise your right and show the world what makes the United States a wonderful place.