CV of Justin Lang

More img, More fun

I just picked up the new Nikon Coolpix S600. I have been wanting to get a new camera for the longest time. I had a Canon Elph at 3megepixals. Then I saw this, the S600 at 10 megapixals!!!! It’s slightly bigger then my old camera, but not by that much to make a big deal out of it. It also has a nice 2.5″ LCD screen and job wheel to get through menus and so forth. Best part is that it uses SD cards and those are just getting bigger and bigger. I have seen a 16gb card! But I settled for the 8gb. I haven’t put it through the paces yet, but I am really excited about the camera. This makes me want to take more and more photos! This is good for me and you! Hope you enjoy!

BTW: If you think that I got this camera because of the Ashton commercials, I am going to KICK YOUR ASS. That cock munch has no influence on me!

The Decorator is in

You may notice things change and go missing or just look weird.  We the decorator is in and working.  Not to sure when I will be done, but I am having fun so leave me alone about the design!


Welcome Back ??

Welcome to the new braindump of Justin.  It has finaly happened.  I have switched isquint to a new server that has a TON of better features.  The shitty part is that I have no lost everything form my first blog and my newer blog from only a year ago.  But this time we are looking final.  No more changing or anything like that.


I do hold the right to change the LAYOUT as I please as it is MY site.  So in the next month or too you may notice a new theam or tweaks or SOMETHING different about my blog.  Just keep this in mind, my designs are fluid as in like water and when spilled, get EVERYWHERE.  just and FYI.

So, why did I change servers and say hell to with my old server and junks like that?  I am consolidating debt.  Now I am not saying I am going poor or strapped for money or anything like that.  But why pay extra $200 a year for a server that SUCKED.  I now have all of my servers in one place, one bill and it still cheaper then my old server.  I beat your saying that was a smart move….no it was a sign of pure genius, be thankful I let you get a glimps!