I twittered about this earlier today from my latest design, It Runs In The Family at Little Theatre of Alexandria. While we are at I am taking time out of the actor notes to post a quick note about my tech table set up.
Here at LTA, we have setup up an ETC Ion on a closed wireless network letting me run the client software on my PC via wireless to have my “video node” out in the house. In addition to having the notebook screen, I have added a 17″ LCD screen so I have more information at my finger tips.
For a while, I was using the newest apple USB keyboard with the client key commands written on it. I just added the PI Engineering 58 X-Keys to the system so I don’t have to hunt and peck for a command such as cue or something like that. What I did find was that I had to change some of the keys on the X-Keys to suit my needs at the tech table such as adding a GO and STOP/BACK keys and crazy as it seems, FLEXIE and DISPLAY. What I find interesting about the default layout for the X-Keys for the Ion from ETC offered a mesh of options with the layout not being designed for any one use, such as either as a designer remote or programming remote or playback remote. Thus the change of layout to the X-Keys. Thinking about it more now, the X-keys does have “two layers” with a toggle button where one layer of keys could be setup as “programming” buttons and the second layer being “playback”. Something to keep in mind for the next show!
Also “featured” on the tech table are the usual items, Altoids, Production binder, with script, water, pepsi, (although I prefer coke!), notepad, cheat sheet, two littlites and of course, the iPhone.
The show opens Friday and runs for three weeks. One more night of messing with levels and then I can it done for opening!