CV of Justin Lang

Flushing while pissing?!?

wide-urinal-stanceI have been pondering this question for a while now. I have noticed several timesover the past couple of years that most men flush while either at the urinal going or at first getting to it to begin the process.  I have always noticed that men tend to flush while taking a dump and only recently realized that this is in order to help with the scent left behind or during.  But this method does NOTHING while taking a standing piss.  I am beinging to wonder if these “gents” realize that when flushing most urinals, there tends to be splash back with the potentional of getting on themselves.  Which of course is just disgusting!

Thinking more amd more about this subject, I think I might have missed a father leason here.  It is probably more like I didn’t pay attention!