CV of Justin Lang

More Photos From This Weekend


OT_lamp_city_hall.JPG Renee and I went for yet another walk around Old Town this weekend since it was so beautiful! Not as warm as the last two weekends, but still better then it has been. Of course, I took the new D80 with me to grabs some photos if there were to be any.

Renee is always ready to ham it up for the camera. I got her in mid sentence. She was probably getting ready to yell at me or something like that. Still, a pretty decent shot I thought!

City Hall is always a good place to grab a few good shots. Not to many people were in the square so no good “candit” shots and the water fountain was off, so a no go there either. I did find a nice frame of a lamp post and the steeple on top of the bell tower. I thought it came together nicely!

There were about another 80 shots this weekend but I am not going to post them all. Most of them were of a couple of dogs running around founders park. Nothing to exciting.