CV of Justin Lang

My Pom Pom Girlfriend

We spent the weekend down at Sith Mountain lake(SML) this past weekend and I got to see my favorite Pom Pom, Alexis!  I snapped a quick photo with my iPhone, but I have some better ones on the camera.  Once I get all the images up loaded to the photo gallery, I will of course post it here.  I spent most of the weekend recovering from working so hard.  I did alot of sleeping, ALOT of sleeping.  I really didn’t get into it until saturday as I kept getting head aches.  I think it was because I was relaxing to much and wasn’t working.  Which is great for me.  Renee says that I need to take an extra day off before vacations so I can truely relax during the vacation!  I just might have to heed the doctors orders!