CV of Justin Lang

Writers Quote

This is something I need to remember!

Writers tend to work early in the morning, or late at night, when brains are naturally able to focus deeply on one thought. In the middle of the day, distractions are unavoidable. I wonder if anything worthwhile has ever been written in the afternoon.

~Scott Adams

Kitchen Counter Plugs

What a great idea?!!?!? The search is on for if this is real. This way the tile back splash will not have a plug in the middle of it.

UPDATE: The plugs are REAL!!!!

Another Reason for a Dog

This is just another reason to get a dog. Or, at least, why I want one. Bigger and dumber the better.

Lockable USB Drive

What a great idea. Now you know your information is secure! Though, I could see someone trying to bend the connector and fitting a cable of some sort on there.  OR, being a smart ass and putting bare wires on the connection point. Maybe not as secure as you think, but still a neat idea.

Question is, if you put it on your key ring… how are you suppose to put the key into the lock? And secondly, if the key is right there and you lose you keys with the lock attached… umm kinda defeats the point. Ah well.

Never fails

It never EVER fails. Every single time I fly to Vegas, there are a group of jackasses going out to “break the bank”. My favorite part about these idiots is their drink habits on the flight. Yeah, I know it is exciting and at least a four hour flight. But you are going to get wasted on the plane… AT 7am!?!? You do know that we get into Vegas at 9am right? What a way to start off. You do realize once you begin to gamble at ANY casino they GIVE you alcohol. Get a fucking clue jackasses.
Som day I wash to ride out and back with the same group. I want to see there disappointed faces as they take the flight of shame home and have to explain to their wives that the kids won’t be going to college because of daddy’s bender in vegas.
This is why I have my earphones in throughout the flight. Even though there is no music. Anything to help drown out the hopping and hollering about going to Vegas.
I wish you well gentlemen. May Vegas be kind to you. But if you lose your ass, don’t cry to me Argentina. A city like this didn’t popup out of no where.

Best Time to Buy

Yet another Stumble Upon nugget.  I always knew there was a certain time to buy some things like say a car.  But plane tickets or office furniture?  Seasonal items make sense, but there doesn’t seem to be a rhyme to the reason for other things.  Take a look at the infograph put together.

Shut Up and Start Writing

This is how I have been feeling lately!

Enjoy the Little Things in Life…

Perfect For My Brother

I can see my brother Jonathan running to the hardware store after reading this and making this himself… Oh, wait… he probably has all of the pieces in his garage!

Everything Is Alright…

Yet another Stumble Upon. Another favorite is…. In the end, you still lose so why not win now.