CV of Justin Lang

The D-Lister, Kathy Griffin…LIVE

As most people know now, I turned 30 this year. I have moved past my 20’s and on into adulthood. I guess this means that I now have to grow up.  Maybe I should have a peter pan complex and spice things up!

For my 30th birthday, Renee got me tickets to see Kathty Griffin at DAR Constitution Hall last night.  I was all kinds of excited.  I must admit, I do love her Bravo reality show, My Life on the D List. I must also admit that before this show and for years prior,I was not a huge fan.  I was always basing her off of her performance on Seinfeld.  Not great, but funny and a little annoying.  But now I am a huge fan!

I downloaded a copy of her most recent CD, For Your Consideration, a spoof to get nominated for a Grammy Award to go along with her first Emmy award.  I thought that last night show would be that bit, For Your Consideration, but it wasn’t!  Of course she started in on politics and the debate since it was happening at the same time as her show.  Then she moved into her winning her second Emmy just a week or so ago.  She did throw a couple of things in from the CD, but still FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!

One of the things she mentioned during her show was her experience doing the Emmey’s awards with Don Rickles.  So of course, as soon as we got home, I YouTube it have have posted the video below! Over all, AWESOME show and I really loved it, what a great present, thanks Renee!

Letterman Ripping into McCain

One of my co-workers walked in this morning and asked me if I had heard about Letterman and how he laid into McCain last night. Of course I did not, so off to YouTube I went.

The story is that McCain canceled Letterman at the last minute.  McCain had to run back to Washington to help save the economy.  At first Letterman was understanding of it, but had some other ideas of why McCain did that.  Later in the show, Letterman learns that McCain is still in NYC doing Katie Curics CBS Nightly News Show while Letterman was taping.  So the goes Letterman ripping into McCain in the best way.

The YouTube video is only 9 minutes long and worth the watch!

Interesting Rumor Mock Up

Running around the apple blogs today, I found this interesting rumor mock up from a fellow mac fan.

What is neat about this “mock up: is the rumored glass track pad.  Not quite sure how that works, but it looks pretty sexy with the contrast of black to go along with the black keyboard.

Then on top of it the addition of a number pad on the right.  makes me wonder though, is this suppose to be in all of the new books?  Seems to me that the keypad would only be avilable in the 17″ model as there is more keyboard space, where as the 15” is a little more limited.

Anyways, awesome mock up, this really gets the juices pumped for an October event….. I still want to see a speedbump and hard drive bump on the MBA!!!

2,588 Lego Bricks – Perfect Marriage!

You are looking at 2,588 lego bricks that make up one the of the most perfect lego designs EVER!

Gizmodo had a contest to come up with a new case for a mac that has to be made out of lego bricks.  And here we have the winner.  The “designer” used the lego Digital Designer 2.0  to build this for the MacMod Challenge.

The mac features two computers.  One is a core 2 Quad Q6600 2.4Ghz and a Mac Mini Core Duo 1.66Ghz.

What is a little diappointing is that when you click through, you’ll see some more images of the case and setup.  On the exterior Apple logo hangs a little Lego Steve Jobs.  The sad part is that Steve is not included! :(  Click the image or here to read more about the lego case mod.

Why do I loves this so much????  It combinds two of my favorite things in the world.. Apple and Lego’s!!!  Now how can we fit Sex and Renee into this picture?!?!?

iPhone Games, I am hooked!

I have gotten hooked on the iPhone games like a $2 hooker on crack! I have always read that people are hoping that the iPhone will be the next protable gaming device like the PSP.

Well, after playing Cro-Mag Rally, I can really see that happening.  The games is AWESOME!!!!  While I have only master the desert stage on easy, I am still pretty proud of myself!

The neat part about this game is that in order to stear, you tuen the entire iPhone or iPod Touch like you would a stearing wheel.  If you have $2.00 buck, SHILL IT OUT!!!  The games is a great way to waste some time and actually have fun doing it!

Koi Pond for the iPhone

I got a little bored the other day and was messing around on the iPhone and Web App’s.  I found a review on Koi Pond.  While it is not free and doesn’t do much, it is still a pretty cool app. You can shake the iPhone or iPod Touch and that will feed the fish.  You can also run your finger across the pond and it makes a pretty realistic ripple effect.  And just like real fish, they run off!

All and all, pretty fuckin’ cool! Click the image to download the app through iTunes.

Thomas Road Baptist Church – Awesome Rig

About two weeks ago, I went down to Lynchburg, VA to visit and demo a console at Thomas Road Baptist Church.  We did the orginal install about 3 years ago and they have been god customers since.  What was great was that the console we demod was setup in next to no time and we had this look on stage in about 30 minutes with 30+ movers and 12 CMY mixers.  Pretty impressive I would say!!!

Click the image for a larger size (3.5mb)

Perfect Timinig Today

I don’t know what I was doing right today, but when ever I needed to catch the subway or the train, I was perfectly on time!  I walk throught the toll and right on to the train/bus with out running, breaking a sweet or ANYTHING!

Maybe I should be reading this as a sign that the apple LOVES me and wants to please me.


I could go the complete oposite and say that they are making it easy for me to get out of town becuase I couldn’t do it any faster!

Either way, it was GREAT, thanks MTA!

Leaked Photos of New Mac Books?!

Pulled these images off a post from appleinsider. Looks like there are leaked images of the new design of Mac Books.  They apparently are made of the same material as the Mac Book Pro.  There are rumors that apple is combining the Mac Book and Mac Book Pro into one line of books.  Of course there will be an entry level and then of course a higher end model but the same chasse.  Just like now, there will be the ability to do slight upgrades and so forth.

The rumor is that there will be an event during October,  I am still hoping that not only with the MB and MBP be updated, renewed, speed bumped, but also the MBA!!!!

Keep those fingers crossed!

Laser Cut Paper, who would have thought!

I just recieved the latest issue of How Design Magazine.  Of course with my busy schedule I have not had time to read it.  Well, with my train ride tomorrow, I will have plenty of time to catch up with it and my newest magaize subscription, Maxium!!

I was packing up my bag yesterday with everything that I might need for the trip these next two days and though about taking out all those fucking subscription cards out of my How magaizine.  That was I don’t litter alllll over the train.  So I noticed a rather big insert with rather thick paper and an interesting cut out.  It def got my attention.  While it was not the excat same thing pictured above, it was just as detailed!  So this has me thinking about another promotional idea for Barbizon!!!  Now I just have to do some research and cost comparisons!

Check this stuff out, pretty neat!