CV of Justin Lang

Silicon Apartment

Running around the blogs again today, I came across a great technology/apple/microsoft cartoon that is pretty dam funny!  I have always loved the Joy of tech over at the Geek Culture.  And this new one that I found, The Silicon Apartment is very similar.  Hell, at times they look too similar!

I would def recommend adding this one to the bookmarks!  But be warned, there is language in use.  Don’t take my word for it, listen to Walt!

Pumpkin Spice Latte is BACK!!1

As usual, I head into my favorite starbucks this morning to pick up the usual Ventie Mocha with Whole milk. I don’t know why, but I love it! So waiting on my barista to finish making my mocha, I look up at the chalk board behind the counter and notice that the Pumpkin Spice Latte is back on the menu!!!  How exciting is that?  Now I just have to train my baristas on my fall drink.

Jackson John Karcher Losenegger

Click the image for a larger size, be warned, over 1mg!

On all days to have a baby, my cousin Kelly, had here son on September 1, Labor Day!!!  Lance and Kelly named their baby boy, Jackson John Karcher Losenegger…. (i think that is his whole name!)  While there were much better shots of that baby boy, I really liked this one!

Congratulations to both!  Can’t wait to see the kid in April, if not sooner.

Adobe to Release CS4 sooooooon

Another interesting note on the apple blogs is that Adobe is set to release CS4 sooooon. The announcement date has been set for September 23, while the actual release date has not. But reading some of the other blogs, it sounds like the release date should be some where around 3-4 weeks after the announcement date.

This is good news.  I am still running CS2 and have been meaning to upgrade to CS3.  This announcement means to hold off until CS4 comes out.  I might as well buy a full version as the upgrades to CS3 and CS4 would be just as much!

September 9th Event Confirmed

Since I am so behind the 8 ball here on posting, this by now is old news.  I read over at the TUAW, CultOfMac, AppleInsider and MacRumors about the Apple September 9th event being confirmed via an email that was sent out from Apple to the media.

Above is the image or “invite” that was sent out.  While it clearly has something to do with iPods, I am still hoping to hear about a speed bump with the notebook line, more importantly the MBA!

Back Home and WTF!!1

So Renee and I got home pretty late last night from Copper Harbor Michigan. We finially got in the door around 12:15 last night. So it is safe to say that we are pretty tired. I’ll post more about the trip and the b-day celebration later…

So, doing my usual morning rounds on twitter and facebook to see whats going on, I notice I have a new updated on facebook.  Turns out Obama wants me to submit ideas for a campaign strategy… Are you kiding me?!?!  Is he all out of ideas or something?  Or is this just something to get people interested and interact with the campaign?  I would have to say the latter.  Interesting idea, check out the new site they put up for people to submit those ideas,

LDI 2008 Show Announcement DonE!

When it rains, it pours!
Just the other day I was saying that Barbizon design work has slowed down some. I actually have time to do things that I want to at night!

Well, I think I spoke to soon.  As soon as I go out of town for 2 days last week, I get him with 4 quick projects that needed to be complete by today.

This one pictured is the LDI show announcement and invite for Barbizon Lighting Company.  Pretty basic stuff.  All of the invites are looking the same these days for consistencies sake.

Other World Computing is Out of the World

Back when I first purchased my Mac Pro, I mentioned that my personal shopper, Mike recommend that I get the bare bones system and use OWC or Other World Computing to purchase any upgrades.

Well the other day I had to log into my windows XP system running on parallels on the Mac Pro.  I noticed that it was eating 3/4 of my 2 gigs of ram up and slowing down the machine.  That broke the camels back, I had to upgrade the Mac Pro.

I logged onto and found 4 gigs of ram (2 dims of 2 gigs matched!) for $159.95!!  It’s all apple qualified and ready to go out of the box.  So I ordered it up and got it on Friday.  OWC included a sheet on how to upgrade the ram in the Mac Pro and everything.  Now I am still a little confused on the placement and all that when it comes to the Mac Pro ram, but I’l deal with upgrading more and placement on the two boards later.

So the MP now has a blistering 6 gigs of ram!!!  I am not even half full on the possible memory upgrades!!!  I still have 26 gigs of ram possible!!!! Fuking awesome!!1

Just another mild step in complting my 101 list!

Damnit Leander, Check Your Sources!!1

So I could not sleep to well last night. So I got up and decided to make the early morning rounds on the apple blogosphere.  Top article on the CultOfMac blog, “Leaked Ad of MacBook Pro Actually a Mockup“.

When I read that of course I miss the Mockup part because I want to jump right into the article and get the jucie details. So of course I missed that when I started to read.  I was getting pretty excited over here.  If the MacBook Pro gets a bump and re-design soon, the MacBook Air has to follow sometime soon!

It’s not that I don’t care about the MBP, but I really want an MBA!  So andy new news on the Apple ntebook front should always be good right?!

Well, at the end of Leander’s article, he quickly mentiones that that this “ad” is of course a fake and from the MacRumors forums.  Way to give a mans hopes up Leander!  Maybe you should do a little bit more research before posting fakes as real huh?!

A Local Barbizon Ad

So I just finished another small project for our local offices in the SunShine State of Florida.  What was awesome about this ad was that I was given free rein on the copy and of course the design on this one.  It had to be simple and to the point.

It is for a tradeshow broucher for the FATE conference down in Florida.  It is geared towards educators in the theatre industry and schools.

So of course we had to mention that we had people and a booth at the show that people can stop by to talk to as well as a general listing of what we do.  We have to give the attendees a reason for stopping by!

Then of course we listed the offices so people had that information if the only thing they took away from the conference was the broucher.

All and all, simple and to the point I think!