CV of Justin Lang

New Barbizon Online Ad's

I just finished another set of online ad’s for Barbizon National.  These are going up on  There is a third one, but I don’t want to add it to this post, maybe next time.

Nothing to fancy about these two though.  I do like the light beams on the bottom one.  I may come back to this one and get the beams to “sweap” across the ad!  Give it some real dimension!

LDI 2008 Show Announcement DonE!

When it rains, it pours!
Just the other day I was saying that Barbizon design work has slowed down some. I actually have time to do things that I want to at night!

Well, I think I spoke to soon.  As soon as I go out of town for 2 days last week, I get him with 4 quick projects that needed to be complete by today.

This one pictured is the LDI show announcement and invite for Barbizon Lighting Company.  Pretty basic stuff.  All of the invites are looking the same these days for consistencies sake.

A Local Barbizon Ad

So I just finished another small project for our local offices in the SunShine State of Florida.  What was awesome about this ad was that I was given free rein on the copy and of course the design on this one.  It had to be simple and to the point.

It is for a tradeshow broucher for the FATE conference down in Florida.  It is geared towards educators in the theatre industry and schools.

So of course we had to mention that we had people and a booth at the show that people can stop by to talk to as well as a general listing of what we do.  We have to give the attendees a reason for stopping by!

Then of course we listed the offices so people had that information if the only thing they took away from the conference was the broucher.

All and all, simple and to the point I think!

VERY Short Stories and Illustrations

This afternoon I had a meeting with one of my co-workers from out of town, Tobin Neis. We spent a couple of hours going over some projects that are coming up as well as some logistics on other things.

While one of us was working on something, the other was checking websites and one of them was facebook to see what the other as doing or updates on friends and family.  This sparked Tobin to mention to me one of his Illustrative friends Josh Web and his website.

I was looking through some of his illustrations and fell in love with his style and his work.  Tobin pointed me over to a book that he made and published on

SIDE NOTE: Publishing on is on my 101 list, number 28

You can find the publication for a free download here.  It is a great book!  He basically took an idea from Ernest Hemingway and expanded on it with illustrations.  Well worth the download!  I was hoping to purchase a print copy through lulu, but it looks like it is not avilabe in print. :(


So I am jumping head first in to the social networking and web 2.0 society. It first started with Facebook.  I signed up for the hell of it and now am some what addicted.  I will not say I am a junkie, but it definatly nice to see what people are doing.  I plan on intigrating facebook in to the blog some how soon…

What I liked about Facebook was that you could write wuick messages to let people know what you are doing.  Well, that is ALL that twitter is.  So, I jumped on board and signed up for a twitter account.  You can reach it here.  Or you can see my latest status on the right hand side board.  I created a custom twitter badge where you can see my status!

Back to School 2008

Over the vacation Upstate, I completed another project for Barbizon.  This is one of my favorite projects doing the Back to school emailer.  It’s not that I have complete control over it, but I am able to get a little more creative with it.

This is just the beginning of the creative indevers for the next year.  Basically this design announcens what everyone knows, that school starts back up soon and that Barbizon is here and ready to help get you ready.

Click the image for the full size.  I think it turned out really good and all the national team likes it!

WordPress and the Possibilities

So I use wordpress as my bloggin system. I love it and have been using it for every. I of course have a template from the internet, but as you can clearly see I have changed the layout to my liking. BTW, I am still working on it ;).

So, back to the subject….  I have been planning on working on my Aunts website for a while now.  But I have always been worried about her having to add content and updating the site herself as I can’t always do it.  So I was poking around on some similar sites today, and came to the conclusion, “why not use word press”?

It’s easy to add and delete content.  It has a basic layout similar to how you would enter things into word.  And it speaks plain english.  It would be as simple as designing the overall layout and then customizing the post and pages to suite her needs.

I think this is something to seriously consider!

Exciting innovations a'comin!!1

I have been wondering for the longest time how apple and other websites were able to bring images as an overlay on a webpage.  Basically, you have a thumbnail image on your site, and the user wants to look at a larger version.  Well, rather then having them go to another page or something like that, the user clicked the image and a larger version of it came up right on top of the page that it is on.

So I had sometime and found how it is accomplished.  It is called LightBox.  I have found a version if it that I like online from Lokesh Dhakar that I will be incorporating into my site.  Check out the examples and how its done on their website

10 Commandments of Web Design

An interesting write up on what a web design shall and shall not due.  I took a quick look at it here.  I’ll have to look at it more closely tonight when time allows.

JRLD Redesign Round 3

I’m sure your getting sick of seeing post about my re-design. But I wanted to document it progress so you can understand my process. I think this is the direction I am going to go with. Needs some tweaks here and there but I have a good feeling about this one. Again, nothing fancy as in Flash and crap like that, it may come later, but not now. Let me know what you think in the comments.