CV of Justin Lang

Justin at Army/Navy Game

justin_army_jacket.jpg My pops just sent me some more photos that he had taken on his camera from the Army Navy game is past fall in Philly.

My dad brought his old flight jacket since it was DAMN cold for the tail gating. Personally, I think the thing shrunk over time because neither he or I could fit in it! But I did get a pretty funny photo in it. Kind of felt like Chris Farly in the Fat guy in a little guys jacket.

Random Photo Find


Found this through Stumble. This is EXACTLY the kind of dog I want, Big, Dumb and easy to make a fool of it’s self!

More Photos From This Weekend


OT_lamp_city_hall.JPG Renee and I went for yet another walk around Old Town this weekend since it was so beautiful! Not as warm as the last two weekends, but still better then it has been. Of course, I took the new D80 with me to grabs some photos if there were to be any.

Renee is always ready to ham it up for the camera. I got her in mid sentence. She was probably getting ready to yell at me or something like that. Still, a pretty decent shot I thought!

City Hall is always a good place to grab a few good shots. Not to many people were in the square so no good “candit” shots and the water fountain was off, so a no go there either. I did find a nice frame of a lamp post and the steeple on top of the bell tower. I thought it came together nicely!

There were about another 80 shots this weekend but I am not going to post them all. Most of them were of a couple of dogs running around founders park. Nothing to exciting.

Great License Plate


Saw this while driving home yesterday. Let me tell you, not the easiest picture to take with one hand, looking through the view finder, and still DRIVING! Talk about un-safe. I wonder if this person is a Marisa Tomei fan??

More Photos Around OT


So Renee got me out of the house again yesterday when I had sooo much to do. So if you are reading this and you didn’t get your proof yesterday, I blame Renee!!! ;) It was good to get out of the house. THe weather was around 60 degrees and Sunny as hell! The water front was quite busy!

On these walks, I have been taking my new D80 Camera. And yesterday on our hour and a half walk, I took about 200 photos. I have crunch the ones I like and have uploaded them to our photo gallery, Take a look!

How CNN rolls

Did a demo if an ETC Ion console recently at CNN downtown. They did have any dvi monitors around. But they did have a 60″ plasma screen sitting there doing nothing. So why not hook it up right?
You are garunteed to see what is on the screen now! Just imagine if that was the magic map with touch screen abilities!!! Think we would be able to make a channel bounce???

Nader in Nov…… DC ?!?

ralph_nader I had an appointment in downtown yesterday and like usual when I visit this person, I park at Union Station and just walk the 2 and half blocks to their office. Well, on my way back to the car, going through Union Station where you catch the trains, at the Hudson Newspaper stand there was Ralph Nader signing copies of his new book.

I have always liked Nader only becaue he is a Wisconsin fan.  Well, since it was about 5:30pm and all hell was breaking out because of rush hour, people tring to catch trains and so forth, all I was able to do was snag a photo.

While I pondered getting a book of his and an autograph, better judgement kicked it.  Thye were selling his book at FACE value.  Talk about a rip off!

Sorry Ralphie boy, $45 bucks for you book was not worth it, on the other hand a free photo was worth the stop!

Photo Around DC

I have been meaning to post this for a while. I shot this over a month ago while I was in the city for work. I took it with the iPhone and I must say, I am still impressed with the image quality that the iPhone can take!

So, I was standing on a street corner waiting to go into a call when I say this grown man ride up on a GIRLS bike.  I just could not belive it that this guy would be caught riding that thing.  Maybe he is some sort of hippster, I don’t know.

I could not pull the iPhone out quick enough the grab this shot!  Make sure to capture this guy in all his glory by clicking the image to see the full size!