CV of Justin Lang

How CNN rolls

Did a demo if an ETC Ion console recently at CNN downtown. They did have any dvi monitors around. But they did have a 60″ plasma screen sitting there doing nothing. So why not hook it up right?
You are garunteed to see what is on the screen now! Just imagine if that was the magic map with touch screen abilities!!! Think we would be able to make a channel bounce???

New Ebola Dealer


You are looking at one of the newest dealers of the Ebola Plush Doll!!!  One of my co-wokers found this awhile ago on google while looking for photos of what the ebola virus looks like.  The reason why is we have joined a new dodge ball team and our other co-worker is the coach.  He came up with the team name of e-balla virus!

Well, since we like the ebola virus plush so much, we are going to sell those as well as possiably a tee shirt design to help raise some money for the team.  If anything, it will be drinking money!

So look forward to getting your new Ebola… I mean E-Balla Plush doll soon!

Nader in Nov…… DC ?!?

ralph_nader I had an appointment in downtown yesterday and like usual when I visit this person, I park at Union Station and just walk the 2 and half blocks to their office. Well, on my way back to the car, going through Union Station where you catch the trains, at the Hudson Newspaper stand there was Ralph Nader signing copies of his new book.

I have always liked Nader only becaue he is a Wisconsin fan.  Well, since it was about 5:30pm and all hell was breaking out because of rush hour, people tring to catch trains and so forth, all I was able to do was snag a photo.

While I pondered getting a book of his and an autograph, better judgement kicked it.  Thye were selling his book at FACE value.  Talk about a rip off!

Sorry Ralphie boy, $45 bucks for you book was not worth it, on the other hand a free photo was worth the stop!

Play Station Portable 4000 Concept

hot-psp-renderI found this over at today. I had to catch up on some reading over there from the past few days.

This is a concept image from some webedestrian I assume of the Play Station Portable 4000.  While there are no facts or hard evidence of this design, it is still prety dam cool!

This just might make me get bak into playing some games on a portable device. While apple has made some advances on the iPhone being a gaming device, I am quite sure that there are no games avilable for the iPhone like there is for the PSP.

Rumors are that the next generation of the PSP, also rumored to be called PSP4000, are expected late 2010, early 2011.

Keep you eyes open, I might want one!

Flushing while pissing?!?

wide-urinal-stanceI have been pondering this question for a while now. I have noticed several timesover the past couple of years that most men flush while either at the urinal going or at first getting to it to begin the process.  I have always noticed that men tend to flush while taking a dump and only recently realized that this is in order to help with the scent left behind or during.  But this method does NOTHING while taking a standing piss.  I am beinging to wonder if these “gents” realize that when flushing most urinals, there tends to be splash back with the potentional of getting on themselves.  Which of course is just disgusting!

Thinking more amd more about this subject, I think I might have missed a father leason here.  It is probably more like I didn’t pay attention!

Hello Kitty is FAST!

A co-worker of mine sent me this photo yesterday.  They know that I love Hello Kitty.  Do not ask me why I do, I just do!  How can you go wrong with something that has been around just as long as me?

I think what gave away the clue that I like Hello kitty is the stocking that I have at my desk for christmas time, it’s Hello Kitty that has LED’s that blink when you turn them on.  The other clue is the Hello Kitty notepad that I keep in the company car to take notes on while driving.

Waiting in the train station

It is so interesting sitting in the train station and watching people reconnect with loved ones and friends. It really makes you appreciate the small things in life and how a friend/loved one can just make you smile.
One such reconnection seemed liked it was pulled from a tv comercial with a little girl running across the station screaming GRAMMY. Maybe tv commercials really do follow life sometimes!

This Explains My Christmas List

This totally explains my christmas list!  Lets pray for something good at MacWorld next year (January).  It’s to bad I am “spent” on buy apple products for this year (2008). :(

Rebranding of

My lat post mentioned that I am working on rebranding our wedding website.  Well, I am pleased to say that I am 75% there!  I have only been working on the main page for the time being, but that is where most of the info is held.  I expect to have the site rebranded by the end of the week.  Then having a soft opening after that, then the grand OPENING on Jan 1.

So I may need some testers, anyone interested???

Sneak Peak: Redesign of

Here is a sneak Peak at the redesign of our wedding website,  While I liked the first design, Renee has asked that it be redesigned to look more like out invitations and colors for the wedding.

So, working off a sketch, here is the first look that I can up with.  There is still some work to do, like coding it for wordpress and maybe some changes to the layout.  I wanted everyone to know that YES, I am working on it.

Black Friday is a great day to to this by the way!