CV of Justin Lang

Sad Day in iPhone History

This is truly a sad sad day in the iPhone history.  MSNBC has just published a new release from Best Buy.  Best Buy will be the first US national retailer to sell the iPhone.  Sure this is great for apple, another re seller of the products can only mean bigger profits!

But it is best buy!  THEY SUCK at everything.  It’s great that they have an mini apple shop in almost all best buys.  But find mea sales rep that knows what they are talking about!  They only good thing that comes of this is that I can buy apple products in best buy and use my best buy card and not have to pay anything for two years with no interest!

UPDATE: I beat almost ALL the Mac Blogs about this… except Apple Insider, they got it at 7am :(

BSOD at the Olympics!!1

So I think this is pretty funny. Apparently, there was a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) totally visible during the opening ceremonies in Beijing.  I totally know what the source of this is.  A manufacture boosted about having a multitude of their newest fixtures at the opening ceremonies and YES, they run windows!

To prove this, look at where the BSOD is located… It’s in the middle of no where.  I truly doubt that is was used to project video streams or anything like that as there were plenty of HD video walls around the nest.

So that leads me to believe that this “thing” was used to do “projections” and so forth on the architecture.  If your good, you’ll know what I am talking about! ;)

More September Rumors

Again, it is alllll the same.  Apple…..Notebooks…….iPods…….Refresh…….Update………September.  Get the picture?  This time is it MacRumors spitting out the smae stuff.  Take a look here.


So after posting about Being the first to know about Obama’s VP choice, I poked around Obama’s website to check things out. That is where I saw the image link on the left….

MyBo?????  Come on, Are you serious?  I know it means My Barack Obama webapge… but when I first read tht I thought about the expisdoe from Seinfeld.  Maybe they wanted it that way to poke a little fun!

Obama's VP – First to Know

Saw this over on twitter as I follow Barack Obama over there.  You can sign up to be the first to know who Obama picks for his running mate/Vice President.  You can get it either email or text message.  I signed up for text message as I want to know RIGHT AWAY!!!

Appareently he’ll announce it before the Covention.  Which is probably a smart move.  If he announces at the convention, it is rumored that McCain will announce that friday night or early saturday to take away some steam from Obama.  So announing sooner might push McCain to announce just as soon.

Smart Move Obama!

Redskins on a roll….

My brother gave me a call early last week about the skins first home game in pre-season.  He said that he had three tickets that he can’t use and offered them to me as an early birthday present, so of course I took them!

They played the Buffalo Bills last night and of course I was giving Renee shit all night about how the Bills were going to lose…WHICH THEY DID! ;)

It was a lot of fun.  All kinds of expensive these days though.  A beer is running $8 a piece.  Then a buger alone is running $10. A larege coke, $6 and chiken tenders with fries is running $10.  Does this sound crazy or what?!?!?  If someone has season tickets and get some one beer and eats at the game every time, they are going to be broke by the last game… Then of course they have to pony up money for post season tickets and heaven forbit, super bowl tickets!

All and all, it was a lot of fun… THANKS SHORT FAMILY!

Freedom for all in China

Again from the guys over at engadget, another neat gadget! This time it is the Freedom Stick. You can read engadgets article here.

With the summer Olympics going on over in china right now, anyone and everyone who tries to access some websites will have troubles due to the fact that china has a national firewall in place restricting access to those websites.  Don’t ask me which ones, I have no idea!

So the Chaos Computer Club came up with the Freedom Stick.  Basically it is a jump drive with software and access to The Onion Router network or TOR.  The freedom stick is great for anonymous surfing and hides your identity.  While you can certainly download the TOR software over at the TOR project page, the Freedom Stick has it all right there for you and you can use it at internet cafes and so forth.

Another option you have is to setup a proxy server here in the states and access that server in china thus allowing you to go to any site you wich.  That is what the guy who bought my OLD G3 Blue tower Mac is using it for!

Geo Friednly jump dive??

The guys over at engadget had a neat article about biodegradable memory sticks from Hoshino. You can check out engadgets post here.

What I find interesting about this memory stick is that is is made out of polylactide which is technically biodegradable plastic.  But to make is re usable or “eliminate” it you have to blast it with heat for ten days and a specialized facility.

Um…… does that sound like it take a shit load more to “dispose” of it then it does to repurpose it or do something else with it instead of tossing it into a dumpster???  Think about all the energy it will take over thsoe ten days to produce the heat required to dispose of it!!

Another Prediction!!1

So the good people over at Piper Jaffray have put out their predictions for the Apple notebook refresh that is rumored to be happening this spring.  The guys over at TUAW got a little bit more into it then I will.  You can read their post here.

To me, it’s all the same at this point.  Blah Blah Blah, MacBook refresh…..September…. new iPods…..Blah Blah Blah.  Of course I read it hopeing for some new details on the notebook refresh, but alase, nothing doing! ;(

Oh, there was another mention about the rumored “special event” in september that Apple as apparently sent specil invitations to….WHERE IS MINE??????

Looks like I did something Right!!1

When I saw the article about the Cinema Displays getting a new design and POSSIBLY an iSight built into them, I was a little bum. Here I just spent some good money to get exactly what I wanted, then to hear that one of the pieces will get a new design nd feature. So yeah, just a little PO’d!

Then I came across this article over on This really picked up my spirits! I had picked out the best options and system when it comes to the MacPro. I got the base model and will upgrade things over time and when money becomes available. Thinking back on it now, Steve, my personal shooper at the apple store, even suggested this to me when I was picking out the system!  He mentioned going over to or OWC as they are called and get more ram, hard drives and DVD rom they as it is all MUCH cheaper!

So here I am, proud of my decision about the CPU, but a little bum about the display….  BUT I STILL LOVE IT!