CV of Justin Lang

Philly Steak and Cheese

I am on my way to Phily for the day.  Going to the TS2 Trade Show for work.  Basically it is a trade show for trade shows!  Exhibit manufacturers and swag dealers will be there.  Who knows, exhibit manufacturers may need our type of services and products!  So off  “cold calling” I go!

BTW: Accela = AWESOME!

4 Day School Week, What a joke

While driving around today, I heard some interesting news on WTOP about how there are debates about shortening the national school week to only 4 days. You can read the article here.

Basically there are debates about reducing the national school week to 4 days due to rising engery cost.  In addition to shortening the week, they are talking about cutting extracuriculative activities such as sports and groups.

I have to say, this is a BAD BAD BAD idea.  First of all our children are not getting the best education due to many things and now we want to cut their education time???  Sure it may only be 40 days, but do the math, that is 320 hours that we our taking away from them to learn something new!! Don’t we think we should INCREASE there days or even extend the school day further?

Now on to my favorite part, they are thinking of cutting extra activites… First on the chopping block I’m sure are the arts!  Then all the other activies such as chem club and mathletics.  Hell, while we’re at it, cut student leaderships, that why when the kids grow up, they can run for congress and other elected offices and not know what they are doing and totally fuck up our medicade and social security.  Do you see where I am going with this??  But of course the last thing to go will be football.  We’ll need footballers to pay WAY TO MUCH money and then have it easy for the rest of thier life while not knowing how to add.  Sounds like a great society we are bringing up.  Is america jr still accepting immigrants?

Man, Talk about out of SHAPE!

I just did a sales call up on the hill at 400 n cap…  I normally park at Uniion Station and then walk to my sales call up on the hill.  Well, 400 n cap is about 3 blocks away from Union Station.  Today it is about 80+ degrees and HUMID!  This morning I took my time, no rush, I had plenty of time to get there… Well, by the time I got to security to check in, I had started to sweat, not bad, but I definatly had a bead or two running down.  Nothing nasty or anything, but enough to make me mad at myself.

Well, after to sales call it was another 3 blocks back to Union Station to get the car… By the time I got to the car, I had sweated just enough to really make me mad!  I had to pump up the AC to cool off and get it under control.

This just proves my point that I know I am out of shape and need to do something about it.  So of course it is part of my 101 in 1001 list to do something about it.  I think this just means I might have to start this part of my list EARLY!

The Weding Countdown

Part of my 101 in 1001 list is to design a widget once a month for a year. Right now I am playing around with dashcode from Apple and their templates. The second widget that I designed is a simple count down to Renee and I wedding next August in Upstate NY. Nothing big or fancy right now. I am just getting the hang of it and seeing how things work. In the coming months I hope to get fancier and fancier!

Jobs and the Call

So Steve Jobs recently called a reporter at the New York Times to get things straight about his health.  The best part is Steve’s opening line.  He is basically telling the report that his is a jackass and that he sucks, but he, Steve wants to tell him about his health and what it means…. OFF THE RECORD.  WTF, whaat good does that do???

Well, people all over the interent have an opinion about this one!  But over at the Real Dan Lyons, he has taken it a step further.  He has been “getting” calls from other Tech geeks to complain and go off the record.  It’s pretty holarious!  Check out the post here…..

Kevin Rose calls to non-rebut rumors about Digg and Google acquisition talks

Sergey Brin calls to non-comment on Cuil

Woz calls to non-discuss rumors about his personal life

Now everyone is pulling this crap. Groan.

Craigslist DC Creative Gigs RSS

This is my first attempt at using dashcode to create a widget for the mac. This is part of my 101 in 1001 list to design a widget at least once a month.  While I technically have not started my list, I am experimenting and practicing for the future.  As of right now, I haven’t even FINISHED my 101 list!

The reason behind this widget was to get quick access to the listing of creative gigs in the DC Metro area from Craigslist.  What is nice about Craigslist is that any page can be read by an RSS reader!

While some will say it’s just as easy to bookmark the page and to check it every now and then, I think this is easier.  When ever I go into my dashboard, the listing is automatically updated and needs to input from me!

There are a couple of more ideas that I have for widgets, but I am not releaseing that information at this time as I don’t want my ideas stolen! ;)

If you want a copy of the widget, drop me a line.  I may even be persuaded to keep up with this one and update it and make it betters!

Something Special Under the Hood???

Over at they just posted about Apple’s next generation of Macs to have something special under the hood.  They are basically saying that the next generations of mac, more specifically the next generation of Mac notebooks will have a redesign chipset from intel.  Appleinsider went on and on about chompareing this change is just as signficant as Apple’s more from the powerPC to intel.

Ask me… WTF?  Sounds like Apple wants to make some slight changes to the way the chip is set so that they have some more proprity stuff similar to what they had with the PowerPC chip.  I think it smart, that way they don’t have knock offs!  Just my 2 cents.  But ohopefully this will help speed up the next generation of MacBook Airs!!!!! ;)

New Section: Apple Notebook Watch

I am going to be starting a new section here on my blog called Apple Notebook Watch.  I was thinking about calling it the MacBook Air Watch because I am watching for when a speed bump will happen on that line.  But there seems to be some pretty interesting rumors going on about the other notebooks that apple is producing.

Over at, I stumbled accross this article that mentions that the MacBook and Macbook Pro lines might be getting a case re-design as well as a speed bump here in the future.  One thing that has me puzzeled is the reference to a GLASS track pad?!?!?  How is that going to work?  Isn’t their a fear of it breaking due to a drop or something like that?  It worries me!

So, why track all of the Apple Notebooks?  While my Mac Roadmap includes the MacBook Air in the future, I may be persuaded to change directions if something more “interesting rolls around.  So, keep up with me and the rumor mills on the Notebook line from apple!

Recovery – Day 3

Like I have been saying, most of the pain is gone.  It still hurts in the morning on the left side.  I am hoping that this will subside by Tuesday at the latest.  Just another day of getting things done.

Recovery – day 2

Here I am, day 2 and doing nicely. My right side is doing good with no pains, but the left side still hurts a little. All and all I feel good. I made the mistake of watching BBQ on the food network and it real made me miss solid food!

Right now I am stuck on soft and liquid foods till Monday. Everyone said I might not make it in on friday, but at this rate I should be good to go!