CV of Justin Lang

Scrooge Opens Thuresday Night at LTA

I have been working on a lighting design for The Little Theatre of Alexandria’s production of Scrooge, The Musical.  We had a really good run through last night.  Tonight is sponsor night and the the show opens Friday night.  I took a quick shot of the set with the iPhone to give a sneak peak.  Once I get some of the production shots, I’ll make sure to post them.  Click the image to get your tickets now.  The show is selling out quick!

LTA and Getting SCROOGED

Spent another LONG day at the theatre last night working on the lights for Scrooge, The Musical.  I still have a ways to go before I call it done.  But it MUCT be ready for opening night on Thuresday this week.  So if you can’t find me, you’ll know why.

I have to do ALL my work in the dark now and have to wait for the stage to be clear with no people.  And of course that is only after the run through or during the day, which is when I am at work…. SO…evenings it is!

All Kinds of Excited!!1

So things seem to be working over at my other blog, my PROFESSIONAL blog if you will,  As you may remember, was the original home for a couple of years for this, my personal blog.  I have always wanted to do something special with it and I finally put two and two together and got five…. Bad Joke.  Actually, it is pretty much the same thing it has always been, a blog.  It’s just to focus of the blog that changed!

The story goes like this.  I love my job, if only for the fact that I get to see ALL kinds of new stuff before it is released or I get a demo of it because the manufacturers want us to sell it.  Since I get to see all these great things, why not put that knowledge to some good use and get the word out on it?  There really is not a definitive site that announces all the entrainment lighting equipment out there.  Of course there are some, but the focus on the big picture, sound, video, production supplies and stuff like that.  So isquint will be geared towards the theatre and entertainment lighting products and services.

What I am all kinds of excited about is the fact that I have been doing some announcements about some of the newer products that have been announced recently and I contacted the manufacturers that make them and they have been really receptive about getting me a demo units to do these reviews.  What I am relly excited about is that one of my favorite programs for the industry is about to be updated and the developer has agreed to send me out a demo version when beta becomes available.  How awesome is that??!?!

So look for exciting new lighting products to be announced and reviewed over at

New Barbizon Online Ad's

I just finished another set of online ad’s for Barbizon National.  These are going up on  There is a third one, but I don’t want to add it to this post, maybe next time.

Nothing to fancy about these two though.  I do like the light beams on the bottom one.  I may come back to this one and get the beams to “sweap” across the ad!  Give it some real dimension!

LDI 2008 Show Announcement DonE!

When it rains, it pours!
Just the other day I was saying that Barbizon design work has slowed down some. I actually have time to do things that I want to at night!

Well, I think I spoke to soon.  As soon as I go out of town for 2 days last week, I get him with 4 quick projects that needed to be complete by today.

This one pictured is the LDI show announcement and invite for Barbizon Lighting Company.  Pretty basic stuff.  All of the invites are looking the same these days for consistencies sake.

A Local Barbizon Ad

So I just finished another small project for our local offices in the SunShine State of Florida.  What was awesome about this ad was that I was given free rein on the copy and of course the design on this one.  It had to be simple and to the point.

It is for a tradeshow broucher for the FATE conference down in Florida.  It is geared towards educators in the theatre industry and schools.

So of course we had to mention that we had people and a booth at the show that people can stop by to talk to as well as a general listing of what we do.  We have to give the attendees a reason for stopping by!

Then of course we listed the offices so people had that information if the only thing they took away from the conference was the broucher.

All and all, simple and to the point I think!

The Weding Countdown

Part of my 101 in 1001 list is to design a widget once a month for a year. Right now I am playing around with dashcode from Apple and their templates. The second widget that I designed is a simple count down to Renee and I wedding next August in Upstate NY. Nothing big or fancy right now. I am just getting the hang of it and seeing how things work. In the coming months I hope to get fancier and fancier!

Craigslist DC Creative Gigs RSS

This is my first attempt at using dashcode to create a widget for the mac. This is part of my 101 in 1001 list to design a widget at least once a month.  While I technically have not started my list, I am experimenting and practicing for the future.  As of right now, I haven’t even FINISHED my 101 list!

The reason behind this widget was to get quick access to the listing of creative gigs in the DC Metro area from Craigslist.  What is nice about Craigslist is that any page can be read by an RSS reader!

While some will say it’s just as easy to bookmark the page and to check it every now and then, I think this is easier.  When ever I go into my dashboard, the listing is automatically updated and needs to input from me!

There are a couple of more ideas that I have for widgets, but I am not releaseing that information at this time as I don’t want my ideas stolen! ;)

If you want a copy of the widget, drop me a line.  I may even be persuaded to keep up with this one and update it and make it betters!

Beauty in lighting

I took this awhile ago on my iPhone. It’s a photo of a Congo jr. That I sold and then was contracted to run. This was taken during level check. I thought it was pretty good!


National Party Conventions Sale Ad

I just completed another email marketing piece for Barbizon. It began life as something TOTALLY different. I would show where we started off, but with this one, I want to just high light the end project. Lets just say there were 8 proofs needed on this one and they were NOT minor changes either!

This seems to be the standard that we have been using for a while now.  I have always liked the rounded coreners on the border.  But what really stands out on this one is the gradient on the waving US flag.  VERY PATRIOTIC!

Amazing enough, what gave me the most problems was the star witht the free lamp offer.  But tweaking it some in places made it all finaly work.  Make sure to click through the image to see the full size emailer!