CV of Justin Lang

Golfing in Style

I thinks I likes!  I don’t know how I came across this one, but that god I did!  I have always wanted to try a segway and NOW I have a reason.  Notice how I said TRY!  There is no WAY I can afford one of these right now.  First, you have to find a dealer that sells them, which I couldn’t.  But I did find one or two eBay sales for one.  They were only running $5,500.  Yeah, I can get one RIGHT NOW… Whateves!  Anyways, check out segways site at to see this thing in action.  I might have to run into the city one day and rent a segway from Capital Segway.  Screw the tour thing, I want to run the mall!

My Pom Pom Girlfriend

We spent the weekend down at Sith Mountain lake(SML) this past weekend and I got to see my favorite Pom Pom, Alexis!  I snapped a quick photo with my iPhone, but I have some better ones on the camera.  Once I get all the images up loaded to the photo gallery, I will of course post it here.  I spent most of the weekend recovering from working so hard.  I did alot of sleeping, ALOT of sleeping.  I really didn’t get into it until saturday as I kept getting head aches.  I think it was because I was relaxing to much and wasn’t working.  Which is great for me.  Renee says that I need to take an extra day off before vacations so I can truely relax during the vacation!  I just might have to heed the doctors orders!

Only 1 More Day!!!1

Only one more day!!!1  Iam getting siked over here!  Although we have to leave late tonight and then I have a sales call in Roanoke in the morning tomorrow, I am still damn excited about this trip!  It’s going to be a nice relaxing weekend.  Beer, Hotdogs and the water, how can you go wrong?

Speaking of hotdogs, I got another call last night from Tom asking for MORE fuckin hotdogs!  “I need to add one more bag to my order.”  Well thank god I picked up 2 spare bags.  that should last the Rybaks till December, howfully!

Only 2 Days left…

Only two more days until we get out of Dodge. I am soooooo freakin excited about this!  As I mentioned in the last post I got a call from Renee’s cusin Tom last night.  After talking with him, I talked to uncle Don for a little bit.  In the background I heard my favorite Pom Pom going off.  I am so excited, I can’t wait to see her!!!  I might have to make a trip to the doggie bakery for a present for them!  But if I remeber the last time I got them something, they got it EVERY WHERE.  This time it’s going to be a simple cookie or something, that is if I get down there in time!

I Must be Nutz!

I must be nuts. About a week ago, I went to Wegmans to pick up some Sahlen’s Hot Dogs as I know the Rybaks of NC are HUGE fans of their hot dogs. Only because the hot dogs are from Upstate New York, just like them. It’s kind of the same thing with my family and Usgingers Hot Dogs and Brats. So I picked up 2 5lbs bags of hot dogs for them as a gift for letting us come down to SML this weekend. Well, I get a call from Renee’s cousin Tom last night asking if I could pick some Sahlen’s for them. I told him I already did… “Thanks, but that is not enough.” I had to laugh! In the back of my head when I first picked up the hot dogs last week, I knew that wouldn’t be enough!
So I guess I must really like the Rybak family. I went out last night in the pouring down rain at 9pm to run to wegmans about 20 miles away to pick up 2 more 5lbs bags of hot dogs and 8…yes 8 things of Webers mustard for them! So they now have 4 5lbs bags of hot dogs on their way this weekend to to them. Actually, I picked up 2 extra 5lbs bags, I know 4 5lbs bags of hot dogs is not going to be enough for them!

Love can really be baught with food, just like in my family!!! ;)

The Death of Youthful Justin

Throw in the towel, Close up shop, send the steak back, kick the habit, drop the charges, lick the stick, punch the dick, its alllll over.  Youthful Justin has left the building, drowned in the water, gone the way of the dodo.

I have a grey hair.

Witness the end of Justing youth.  It means it time to grow up.  THAT SUCKS.  I will now allow time for you all to laugh at me and not with me.

Make sure to keep up with Grey Watch!

Lets Begin the Countdown…

Lets begin the countdown until VACATION andthe 4th of July!!! Only 3 days left until I am OUT OF HERE!!!  We are heading down to SML or Smith Mountain Lake for you that do not know.  We are going to be spending a nice long weekend relaxing, drinking, soaking, and working on the tans.  Then of course there is the “private” fireworks on the lake that Tom puts on.  You know what I might attempt while down there… So smokin of a pig!!  They have a smokeer, why not take advantage of it?  Just another hobby I want to include into my repeitar!

My Pom Pom!!!

I was watching some TV, (like normal after work) waiting for the simpsons to come one when a Canon Camera Commercial came on. It was one of my favorite of the three made. It was the one with the pom pom posing for the camera and talking back to Maria Sherapova. It got me all excited, in less then a week, I get to see my favorite crazy Pom Pom Lexie!!!!!! I will make sure to get some photos and posiably a video or two to show off why I love her. make sure to check out the commercial on YouTube.

Do what your good at

I was popin around some of my favorite blogs and found this on  It’s an article on Davenetics blog about doing what your good at.  It’s mainly about What Yahoo needs to do in order to bet Google or at least compet with Google.  Read the full entry here.

Well the title and article got me thinking.  What am I good at and what do I need to do that?  Well, as some people know, my interest vary, but just something for me to think about.  I can think of some people that might read this that can use this title to think about it for themselves.

FreeCreditReport dot Com

DAMMIT!!! have that that song stuck in my head. I must hand it to the adverting company that put it together, that song really sticks with you! If you want to get it stuck in your head, here are links on youtube.

Driving Commercial

Pirate Commercial