CV of Justin Lang

Mac Lite Up with a Mac

mac_and_mac.JPG While this not to much of interesting photo, I though it was kind of funny. This is one of my co-workers white mac book in our booth. I had our moving light pointed right where he left the mac, it was just scrolling through the colors to show off some of the features. What is cool about the fixture is that it too is called a mac. So a mac was lite up with a mac!

Don’t ask about the weird stripping, I am not sure what was going on there.

Photo From the Beach


Pretty easy one to understand. Took this one this past week while down in VAb for work.

iMac Chandiler


I took this about two weeks ago on the iPhone and forgot it was there. this is a gutted iMac tangerine G3 with a regular a-lamp inside. This is one of about 8 or so hanging in the creative section of a production that i know of through work. I thought this was pretty damn cool. I think I may have to make one myself!

Random Photo Find


Found this through Stumble. This is EXACTLY the kind of dog I want, Big, Dumb and easy to make a fool of it’s self!

More Photos From This Weekend


OT_lamp_city_hall.JPG Renee and I went for yet another walk around Old Town this weekend since it was so beautiful! Not as warm as the last two weekends, but still better then it has been. Of course, I took the new D80 with me to grabs some photos if there were to be any.

Renee is always ready to ham it up for the camera. I got her in mid sentence. She was probably getting ready to yell at me or something like that. Still, a pretty decent shot I thought!

City Hall is always a good place to grab a few good shots. Not to many people were in the square so no good “candit” shots and the water fountain was off, so a no go there either. I did find a nice frame of a lamp post and the steeple on top of the bell tower. I thought it came together nicely!

There were about another 80 shots this weekend but I am not going to post them all. Most of them were of a couple of dogs running around founders park. Nothing to exciting.

Photo Around DC

I have been meaning to post this for a while. I shot this over a month ago while I was in the city for work. I took it with the iPhone and I must say, I am still impressed with the image quality that the iPhone can take!

So, I was standing on a street corner waiting to go into a call when I say this grown man ride up on a GIRLS bike.  I just could not belive it that this guy would be caught riding that thing.  Maybe he is some sort of hippster, I don’t know.

I could not pull the iPhone out quick enough the grab this shot!  Make sure to capture this guy in all his glory by clicking the image to see the full size!

Olivia's Half Birthday Swim Party

On This past Sunday was Olivia’s half Birthday/Swim Party at her local swimming pool.  She split the day with one of her friends as they both have birthdays in December.  I think she had a lot of fun if you couldn’t tell from the photo!  That was Olivia jumping off the diving board for the first time ever!!!  After that there was no way to get her off of it!

I posted all the photos over at the photo gallery of our wedding site.  Click the image to go right to the gallery.

Random Photo of Beuty!

Just a random photo of beutiness! Someone took it while I was thinking about something at the office!

Momma Turned 59!!

Last night after work, mom had her birthday party at one of her friends house in Lorton. While her birthday was really on July 7 which was a monday, they threw her a party closer to the weekend.  In attndance was my brother Jonn and Frannie and their kids Oliva and Griffon.  Since I don’t have to many photos of Griff, I tried to snap some on my iPhone to share, and this was the best one of him looking some what in my direction!  Cute kid huh??

New Photos in the Gallery

I was doing some searching through old photos again this morning and came across some beautys! I have added them to our photo gallery over at the wedding website ( I created a new album of just images of me. Not that I am vain or anything, but I have some gooooood camios! The one posted here… I have no idea where that came from but damn, it makes me giggle every time I see it!