CV of Justin Lang

Calvin and Jobs

So doing my rounds on the apple blogs, I found an interesting write up over at Cult of Mac.  It is a flickr find of Calvin and Jobs, a boy and his iCEO.  There are only two images, but they are awesome.  Check out the write up over at the or check out the fliker photo set here.

Wouldn't you know it!

Wouldn’t you know it!!! I just bought my new mac system with a 23″ cinema display and now there are rumors that apple is going to re-design and relsease a new version toward the beginning of new year.  The hot news about this is that the cinema displays would use LED technology for the backlights.  Which is all gret and everything.  It’s apart of apples whole going greener and so forth.

Although there was no mention of it, I am interested to hear if the new cinema displays will have an iSight integrated into them!!!  Since the 23″ cinema display that I got does not, I had to purchase a used iSight on ebay for about the same price as they orgianlly sold for.  So if apple does release the new displays with iSignt in them, it will bug me JUST A LITTLE BIT!!!!  But again, that is how apple gets you to buy more, by chanaging something and then re-releaseing it, hell, how many different designs have the iPod lines gone through?!?!?!?!

UPDATE: Here is TUAW posting about it

VERY Short Stories and Illustrations

This afternoon I had a meeting with one of my co-workers from out of town, Tobin Neis. We spent a couple of hours going over some projects that are coming up as well as some logistics on other things.

While one of us was working on something, the other was checking websites and one of them was facebook to see what the other as doing or updates on friends and family.  This sparked Tobin to mention to me one of his Illustrative friends Josh Web and his website.

I was looking through some of his illustrations and fell in love with his style and his work.  Tobin pointed me over to a book that he made and published on

SIDE NOTE: Publishing on is on my 101 list, number 28

You can find the publication for a free download here.  It is a great book!  He basically took an idea from Ernest Hemingway and expanded on it with illustrations.  Well worth the download!  I was hoping to purchase a print copy through lulu, but it looks like it is not avilabe in print. :(

UBS Now Predicts an Ultra-Portable Mac

Now the good people over at UBS investments has now gotten in to the Mac rumors and prediction game. The people over at the appleinsider posted an article about how UBS is getting into the “prediction” game and mentioned that Apple is expected to announce or introduce a new Ultra Portable Mac notbeook in early 2009, maybe late 2008.  But UBS is almost positive that there will be a re design of the MacBook and MacBook Pro line. You can read the whole article from appleinsider here.

First, it sounds like UBS is reading the same exacte blogs/website that I am as just recently someone from twain posted images of an empty shell of the new aluminum MacBook.  That was an easy one to predict right there as these images are expected to be authentic.

Second, everyone is expecting an ultra portable Mac.  It’s what everyone wants, so why not add to the rumor mills and jump on that band wagon?!

Third, UBS is predicting that Apple’s share are going to sky rocket after the introduction of an Ultra Portable Mac… WELL DUH!!!  What do you think will happen, everyone is going to buy one!  Including me….maybe ;)

Getting Deeper into it

So yet another adventure I am taking is getting deeper into the web 2.0 thing. I started the whole thing years ago before the catch phrase web 2.0 was around by starting my very own personal blog… WHICH, you just happen to be reading now!

So I just recently signed up for accounts with both and to submit my bookmarks.  I also want to be able to make it easier for my readers, such as your fine self to submit my stories, ancidoits, thoughts and work to these sites.  So, in the next couple of days, look for delicious and digg button on each post for your convenience.

SIDE NOTE: Was or was not delicious baught recently by yahoo???  Then why or WHY does yahoo have buzz???  Check it out at

Ficlets – New idea

I have stumbled upon a new site called ficlets.

Basically: It’s a site about stories.  You start a short story and then the community can and usually does pick it up.  Or, you yourself can pick up anothers story and continue on.

This is a great way to pick up on my creative writting.  Lookf for my ficlets on the blog soon!


So I am jumping head first in to the social networking and web 2.0 society. It first started with Facebook.  I signed up for the hell of it and now am some what addicted.  I will not say I am a junkie, but it definatly nice to see what people are doing.  I plan on intigrating facebook in to the blog some how soon…

What I liked about Facebook was that you could write wuick messages to let people know what you are doing.  Well, that is ALL that twitter is.  So, I jumped on board and signed up for a twitter account.  You can reach it here.  Or you can see my latest status on the right hand side board.  I created a custom twitter badge where you can see my status!

iPhone Email Problems?!!!

So after upgrading to version 2.0 on my iPhone, I have been noticing that my iPhone stops checking for email after an hour or so.  Well, this of course WILL NOT DO.  I did a little searching over the the disussions forums at  I found a couple of discussions that might help..

Have to RESTART the iphone to get email to work

It sounds like it is something wrong with the code.  Something that Apple clearly needs to fix!  But in the mean time two things seem to work in order to keep checking for mail.

1: Shut down and restart the iPhone

2: Hold down the home button in mail until the home screen comes back.  That basically closes mail.  When you re-open mail it seems to work again.  This is clearly the best option.

3: The other thing I heard was to reset the iPhone in iTunes.  I haven’t tried that yet, but I will eventually!

PS: Check out the MAD paint skills on the image!!!

Flip that Site?!?

I received an email from a friend, Mike Poley over at CNN about an interesting article onthe Herlald Tribune about a guy that is flipping websites!  You can read the whole article here.

Basically, a guy bought a website couple of years ago in a niche market where the website basically sucked!  He re designed, marketed it and advertisted it all over the internet.  He bought the site for under $2K and sold it WELL over $100K just a couple of years ago.

Now talk about craziness!  I have never thought about flipping websites!  Hell, I have all the tools and know how and if not, I am willing to learn!  Now on to some searching!!! ;)

Stock up Supply Drought in September?

Over that the appleinsider, they wrote about how Apple resellers have gotten a message from aplle to stock up on Mac’s and iPods as the manufacturing during August will be slow.  You can read the entire article here.

Now, does thins mean that there is going to be a speed bump on the macBook Air?!?!  Of course it is pointed out that if something does come around late august early september, this will be after the school rush.  But just in time for the holidays.. Go figure!

UPDATED: Found this over at O’Grady’s Power Page.  Says basically the same thing.