CV of Justin Lang

Photo of the Day (POTD) #1


Today starts another attempt to finish something on my 101 list, the 365 days of Justin. While I am just a little behind on starting, it is always better to start late then never start at all right?  So here is the first day!

Chopping Block + Sink = …

A Great Clock Design

White Board Any Where

Talk about a neat idea!  I have heard of a paint replaces a movie screen but never a white board!  I just signed up to get a free sample of the Dry Erase Board paint from IdeaPaint.  Seems a little expensive for 50sq feet.  But when you compare that 50 square feet to the same size a a white board….hmmmm

Sharky Tea-Infuser

I am not really the tea type of person, but I know a couple of people who are down with drinking the leafy drink.  Doing the usual Stumble across the interwebs, I came across The Sharky Tea-Infuser by DesignBoom. What a neat idea! If only I could find a place to purchase it, I would.  I bet this could work with Starbucks Via instant coffee packets.

An no, this is not on the present list, just a neat idea!

Jackass Roll

This is NOT the Jackass roll

What are the holidays with out watching a real cook do some cookin’ in the kitchen?  Well, in my family it turns out that we have to turn to the food network to see some good cookin’…

Just Kidding!

After a nice long holiday of devourving some most excellent food, we turn to the food network to plan the next meal.  Not really, but DAMN, it looks good!

One of my favorite Food Network shows has to be Diners, Drive-Ins and Dumps with Guy.  Well, today there was a best of Triple D and Guy showed off his recipe for the Jackass Roll which actually won him the Next Food Network Star. The link to the food network is here, as well as the PDF version.

I just might have to try this on in the VERY near future!

Apple Tablet Coming in January…

Apple Tablet Computer

Photo From: Gizmodo

OK, it is time to get those apple rumors going again about a new Mac computer or better yet, an apple tablet!!! Think of it as a larger iPhone or iPod Touch.  This is some exciting news, but there are a couple of things….

1: Will it be a computer or will it just be a larger iPhone, sort of like a portable media player or something along those lines?  I vote or want a computer based tablet that runs OSX and not the iPhone OS.

2:  WTH everyone.  If you are going to start the rumor mill up again about the Apple tablet, lets stay consistent with the size of the damn thing.  Once site speculates that it will be 10″ and the other 7″ and yet another site saying that there will be one of each with a third unknown size.

Let’s get the stories straight people and not just add on to what other people have already speculated.

BTW: did i mention I am hella excited to see these rumors again?!?

Welcome… and WAIT

Just started this one.  Still needs a look which will come eventually.

Thanks for the inquiry though!

Snowpocalypse… WTF?!?

Photo By: William Couch

I can not believe it, people are actually calling the snow storm that the Eastern Seaboard had this past weekend a “Snowpocalypse“.  In this age of constant connections, social media and trend setting, is it really required of us to “create” a new word to describe something when the there is already a simple enough phrase to describe it? Why not call what happened what it really was, a snow storm.  It is that simple!

Of course it is the most snow that this area has seen in quite sometime, but honestly, does 21″ of snow require a name of Snowpocalypse?  It is just another way of showing that NOVA and the DC Metro area over react to any kind of foul weather. Want another expample?  On friday night, even before the snow storm began, A bunch of area school systems closed for Monday & Tuesday.  Yes, I do understand that safety should be the primary concern and roads may not be safe, but how can any one predict what those conditions will be like four days before hand?

Conclusion: Grow up DC, snow is nothing new and is easy to deal with when you react accordingly!

Smashing Magazines Design Daily

Smashing Magazine out out a great article yesterday about Designing Something Every Day. When I first saw this, it made me think of my 101 list and how bad I have been about keeping up with it. I still have over 500 days left on it meaning I am almost half way through it.  But honestly, what have I completed from it… Not much!

Although, I have completed some pretty important things off the list and some other pretty important ones are on the way to being completed. I think this article from Smashing Magazine is a great revitalization of the list.  Now, off to schedule 15-20 minutes a day in the calendar!