CV of Justin Lang

SNL: Weekend Update – Magic Wall

I use to LOVE SNL’s Weekend Update when I use to watch SNL.  Well, during the debates for the 2008 election, SNL did a prime time Weekend Update after the office.  The last one had a sketch about the CNN magic Wall.  Pictured up is Fred having WAY to much fun with the map.  I can’t wait to CNN DC to get the magic map back in DC to have this much fun.  Check out the full sketch below…

Which One, XM or Sirius???

So I have XM radio in my VW.  I actually had a chance at the dealership when I bought the VW to get either sirius or XM staellite radio.  Well, for some reason I went with XM.  At that point when I bought the car, I really didn’t care which one was going in to it.  I was originally planning on never PAYING for radio.  Well two years went by and I was curious on our way up to Upstate NY.  So while in the car we signed up for a year of XM radio.  And I have to say, I LOVE IT.

BUT>>>>> WTF, I thought that there were no commercials on satellite radio?!??  Well, my favorite channel is 150, XM Comedy, it is the uncensored comedy channel.  Mainly it is stand up and ANYTHING goes.  But there are ALWAYS commercials!  Did I miss something??  It’s really no that big of a deal, but they are all mae enhancement drugs, sexual pleasure and so forth commercials, what the hell?????

One of the commercials I have been hearing lately is that Howard Stern is no on XM radio as well as the NFL.  But those are Sirius satellite programs?!??  Did XM and Sriuis combine or something?!  Don’t get me wrong, it is really nice, but what is going on?


Yes, it has happened again, I have not written here in 13 days and I MUST BE SHOT!  I have been pretty active over on my lighting blog,, getting it ready for LDI.  If you have an interest in Entertainment lighting, you should really check it out.

I have some good post that I want to put up and will very soon so keep posted.  And yes, I am sorry for leaving you high and dry for so long.  I am a lousy blogger some days!

Super Sweet – Oct 14 is a GO!

Ladies and Gentleman, we have confirmation on the October 14 Apple event to announce a new Macbook and HOPEFULLY a MBA refresh.  Here are the links around the blogosphere…

Via – John is gloating about this one!!! – They even analized the photo to gues the size of the notebook pictured..WTF

EyeTv = Awesomeness

Your reading it correct, I pulled the trigger and purchased the EyeTc Hybraid from Elgato.  It is basically a tivo-ish item for the mac.  I can record TV shows on my mac and watch them when ever I want.  I can easily transfer them to my iTunes and thuslly my apple TV to watch on the tv.

While the quality is not perfect, I now get to watch all the shows I miss because Renee is watching TV.  Another shitty thing is that I have to edit out the commercials.  While it is not a huge deal, it is another step. What is really nice is that this thing finds my HD channels!

Pretty cool stuff.  I HIGHLY recommened it!

Show Me the Bunny

I received this new magazine in the mail the other day called FPO [For Publication Only]. In The Summer 2008 issue is an article about Branding and how it is more then skin deep.  They analized a bunch of magazines through time and how the brand was built and grown over the years.

One of the magazines the they covered was Playboy.  While it is an interesting read, I found the portion about the origins of the Playboy logo the most interesting.

Excerted from FRO

Hefner came up with the idea of a rabbit because of it “humorous sexual connotation: and it’s “frisky and playful” image. The tuxedo was added for sophistication. In addition, he chose a rabbit of means of tweaking the nose at the Esquire and the New Yorker, which uses men as symbols.  The rabbit logo was designed by Art Paul, who was hired as a freelance to design the logo but stayed on to become the art director of the magazine for the next 30 years. According to Paul. “If I had any idea how important that little rabbit was going to be. I probably would have redrawn him a dozen times to make certain I was doing him justice. As it was, I did one drawing and that was it.  I probably spent all of half an hour on it.

I finding really interesting that something that has been a HUGE icon for nearly 60+ years has changed very little and was done in less then half an hour!

Meat Wallet and Cell Phone

I found this over at  It is truely a random photo.  While the source of the photo is unclear, it is pretty interesting.  Does someone really have the time to “build” these things our of meat products?

Pictured is a wallet, a set of keys,  cell phone and of course the ever useful USB jump drive.  While I am not certain what meat products were used for each “gadget”, I can some what guess.

The USB jump drive has to be made out of chunks of Ham.

The Wallter looks like is rare roast beef with either ham of turkey ticking.

The keys look like a mixture of turkey, ham and maybe roast beef.

The cell photo has got me perplexed.  It looks like chicken with it’s skin still on?!?

Hurry Up October 14th!!!

October 14th could not come any quicker!  It is rumored that Apple will be announcing a new line up of note books.  Pictured above is a “leaked” photo of what the new Mac Book line will look like.  While there are people that think that this photo is a fake, it only flames the fire.

I am still hoping that the MBA line will be updated with a speed bump and larger harddrive.  Ony time will tell!  And yes, I did steal this photo.

I do Theatre….

Outside of my old acting professor college’s door hung a sign saying the following…

I do theatre, NOT DRAMA

This made me think of something I heard someone say about Obama…

No Drama Obama

Fucking Awesome, Thanks Ginger cat!

MacBook Prototype – DEBUNKED

I saw this the other day and got all kinds of excited.  Seemed like there was a leaked photo of the new MacBook notebook in the wild.  At first glance you would think it was a dishonest and STUPID apple employee that took a photo and then posted it to the interent.

But cheking back a little later, the photo has been debunked.  First, what apple employee would be stupid enough to take a photo like this and leak it?

Next, why are all leaked or rumored photos about new products so graining and crappy?  Most digital cameras these days take pretty fucking awesome photos, hell even the iPhone can take some nice photos at 2.0 megpixels!

Next, look at the track pad… It has a dock reflection in it, but the screen has no dock area on the bottom… WTF?!?!?!