CV of Justin Lang

Countdown to the UP

The are only 6 days left until Renee and I’s vacation to Copper Harbor Michigan.  I CAN NOT WAIT! While it doesn’t sound like there is much to do up there, there is!   It’s called Relax Max!  While there are a couple of things that I want to do while up there.  The main goal is to relax and enjoy the freshest air in the world.  I’ll have to show you the proff once we get up there!  But trust me, it is a great vacation spot!

Biden as VP

So around 8pm last night I was flipping through channels trying to find something to watch.  Every now and then I would check in on CNN to see if anything was announced or when we might be expecting the vp announcement.

Of course I signed up for the announcement to be texted to me as I wante dto be one of the first to know. So flipping through CNN last night, they had the lower third menitoning that they are expecting the VP announcement any minute now.

Checked back in with CNN for an update to see when it might be announcemend around 9pm…. nothing.  So we watched a movie and I forgot about it and did not get my text message.

So, woke up this morning and checked the phone and saw that Biden was announced as the VP… at 3:04AM!!!!

Man, it must have SUCKED to sit up all night waiting for this to be announced.  I am quite sure every 30 minutes CNN would say “stick with us, we are expecting it any minute….”

Intel Shows off possiable MacBook Air's new processor

The boys over at MacRumors posted something today about Intel showing off a new processor that just might end up in the MacBook Air.  How exciting is that?!?!?  I truly doubt that this will happen by this rumored September update, but ut is still exciting.

But this is interesting…..

Both the SL9400 (1.8GHz) and the SL9300 (1.6GHz) use a 1066MHz FSB and carry 6MB of L2 cache. Intel is also introducing a pair of 10W processors: the SU9400 (1.4GHz) and SU9300 (1.2GHz). Both of these chips run on an 800MHz FSB and carry 3MB of L2 cache.

So does this mean that there “technically” no speed bump since the processors are equal or LESS THEN the current processors?!?!!  This is my lack on knowledge in this area.  I guess thtat the new front bus speed bumping up from 800MHz to 1066MHZ is awesome….?

New Apple Mac Ads

So this morning I woke up and got a little down after reading a message that I did NOT like. I won’t get into specifics about it, but it made me angry!

So then I started my early morning rounds on the mac blogs and found out that there are three new Get a Mac Ads over on  The three are Throne, Pizza Box, and Calming Teas.  I would have to say that my favorite this time around is Pizza Box!

Check them out.  They will really pick up your spirits.  Lord knows they chnged my morning around.  Still a little ticked, but better then before!

Check out the apple ads here

New Dell Mini

Why on earth am I posting about a dell computer you may be asking yourself.  While I totally hate windows and everything it stands for, I still love a good computer design.

When I had to get a new computer for work, I asked for the smallest, lightest notebook I could find.  And I found the dell D420.  Not only is it a wide screen notebook, (yeah, only 12.2″) but it wieghs just 3lbs.  And no it doesn’t have a CD-Rom of any kind.  But honestly, I have had this thing for over two years now and never, EVER have I been out on the road and needed my CD-ROM drive.  I do have a huge brick back at the office that pretends to be a CD-ROM, so that is where I install things from a CD, back at the office.

SO…. Doing some blog reading, over at engadget, I found out about Dells new “Mini-Inspiron” and MAN, it’s kinda sexy!  But again, it is running windows.  I wonder what the spec’s are, none are mentioned over at the engadget post, can it compare to the MBA????

Changed Homes

So I have changed homes from to  Why you may ask….

Well, I have other plans for at the moment.  I want to take that into a diffrent direction rather then using it as my personal blog.  OF course my email address is staying the same, so please, feel free to keep usinging it.  And no, I am not going to post it, NO SPAM!!!

So, over the next couple of days or weeks, chimpwalk will change it’s design and get all the kinks out.  Right now it may look funky, but that is because I just switched over.  The content will stay the same, so be warned! ;)

Another Craiglist Posting…..

Alright, so though of something else that I could sell…  For some reason about two years ago I bought myself a Radio Remote Focus Unit for the Express line of consoles from ETC.  Back then, all the theatres I designed in had express consoles.  Well, most of them have upgraded to an Ion or something better and I have found that I have not used the RRFU for quite some time.  So, here it is on craigslist DC….

My New Chips!!1

So I am all kinds of hella excited over here. I just got my poker chips in on Friday and I LOVE THEM!!!  I really have to give it up to Hartness, AKA, PokerStage, one of my cohorats from Charlotte.  You can actually read his Poker Blog here.

Talking with John over email about which poker chip set I shpudl go with, he CLEARLY mentioned, that I better not go with the standard dice or “aces” style that everyone has.  He suggested looking at  And so I did and I found these beauties to the left.  Check them out here.  I bought them by the piece as it was cheaper.  I got just over 1000 chips, I got 50 extra pieces as those are going to be my “high roller” chips!

I did not get a case.  BUT, I have designed one to be made out of wood that my father, grandpa and I are going to work on at the end of the month while we are in the UP michichan.  So once I have that done, I will certainly pass along the images and blue prints.

OH Yeah, I also plan on adding custom inlays after awhile and I have something designed.  John also got me intouch with a gent that does this ass well….

Another Speed Bump Mention

So I am running all kinds of behind here.  Work kept me busy the end of last week.  Then on top of if it, when I got home, I just wanted to rest, sorry!

So, the good people over at both TUAW and MacRumors posted something about the MacBook Air getting a speed bump/new processor in September. This is PERFECT!!! It’s right in line with what I am looking for.  Both are saying that the speed bump will happen with Intels new the Penryn-Class Duo Core 2 processor, increasing the clock speed to 2.0 GHz.  Check out both post here…



Apple doin' Good… Great

You may be asking yourself, “Why does he have a picture of Michael Dell in this post when the title has Apple in it?”.

Well, I am glad you asked that.  I was reading over at MacRumors that Apple’s net worth is up to over 157 Billion Dollars.  That great, wonderful, I am happy for them.  Want to see how they compare to other companies?  Click the image and it’ll take you to the MacRumors article.

So, here is where we get to the Michael Dell part and why the photo is there…. In the same posting about Apple’s net worth, there is a great comment by Michael Dell in 1997 when asked about what he would do to fix the then money-losing Apple:

“What would I do? I’d shut [Apple] down and give the money back to the shareholders,” Michael Dell said before a crowd of several thousand IT executives.

FUCKING AWESOME!!!  That is why Apple is worth $100 billions dollars more then dell at the moment. and taking a quick look at the two companies closing stocks prices…

Apple (APPL) – $179.30

Dell (DELL) – $25.13