Back when I received my training to become a trainer on the Eos/Ion lighting consoles from ETC, I received a client dongle. I finally had a chance to test out the client software on the dell connected to the Eos via wireless network. It works beautifully! It is relatively simple to execute as well!
One thing I did notice is that while logged in as a client and user 1 on the dell, I mimicked everything the console was seeing and doing. So if I entered something on the dell, it would show up live on the console. Neat, but then the programmer and and I have to work together doing the same functions. When I was in blind on the console, so was he on the console. That could work, but that is not how I want to work.
I found that if you log into the console from the client as another user, you have your own “work space”. Meaning, if I wanted to be in blind updating cues, while the programmer was still running the show… not a problem! Now that is nice! But I can see a slight problem…
If both the client and server (console) are in live and bringing up channels to levels. When the programmer on the console goto out, the channels that I brought up on the client still remain…. Interesting how that works! I could see this being a slight problem!
All and all, I LOVE THE CLIENT! It really beats the old way the ETC line displayed the console on a remote video node!