CV of Justin Lang

New Barbizon Online Ad's

I just finished another set of online ad’s for Barbizon National.  These are going up on  There is a third one, but I don’t want to add it to this post, maybe next time.

Nothing to fancy about these two though.  I do like the light beams on the bottom one.  I may come back to this one and get the beams to “sweap” across the ad!  Give it some real dimension!

More on Adobe CS4

I recieved an email yesterday from adobe.  The image above was all that was in it.  It is announceing the release of Adobe CS 4!!!!!  I of course I have been waiting for this a couple of weeks since I heard to rumors about it.  I was planning on upgrading to CS3 but this put the breaks on it.

When you click the BE THERE > in the email, it takes you a registration site when you can sign up for a time to view the webcast about CS4.

What I find really interesting is the new CS4 logo if you will.  You can see it in the image above on the bottom right.  You can get a better shot of it clicking through to the registration page.

Seinfeld and Gates Second Microsoft Commercial

Yeah, yeah, I said it, Microsoft.  If you have been living in a cave.  Yopu probably wouldn’t know that Microsoft paid Jerry Seinfeld $10 million to do some commercials for them.  I recently saw the first one about Gates tring to pick out some shoes at a discount shoe place in a mall and Seinfeld is walking him through it.

Not until the very last couple of seconds does it even get CLOSE to being relevant to microsfots business.  Seinfeld ask someing about computers in the future and ask Gates to cofirm it by shaking his ass.  That is something Gates should NEVER do again!

The second commerical aired last night and was over 4:30 long!  What the hell kind of comercial is that?!?!?!  I just watched on YouTube.  It’s the same thing, doesn’t make much sense!  I am not even going to get deep into to it.  Search for it on YouTube or Microsoft.

Got Eos/Ion Client up and running!!1

Back when I received my training to become a trainer on the Eos/Ion lighting consoles from ETC, I received a client dongle.  I finally had a chance to test out the client software on the dell connected to the Eos via wireless network.  It works beautifully!  It is relatively simple to execute as well!

One thing I did notice is that while logged in as a client and user 1 on the dell, I mimicked everything the console was seeing and doing.  So if I entered something on the dell, it would show up live on the console.  Neat, but then the programmer and and I have to work together doing the same functions.  When I was in blind on the console, so was he on the console.  That could work, but that is not how I want to work.

I found that if you log into the console from the client as another user, you have your own “work space”.  Meaning, if I wanted to be in blind updating cues, while the programmer was still running the show… not a problem!  Now that is nice!  But I can see a slight problem…

If both the client and server (console) are in live and bringing up channels to levels.  When the programmer on the console goto out, the channels that I brought up on the client still remain…. Interesting how that works!  I could see this being a slight problem!

All and all, I LOVE THE CLIENT!  It really beats the old way the ETC line displayed the console on a remote video node!


I completely forgot to blog about this. This past weekend while I was clearing out things that I don’t need…

Yes, this is part of my 101 list of things to do.

I put up my Radio Remote Focus Unit from ETC for the Express line of consoles.  While this is only really interesting to just a couple of people, take a look AND BID!!!! I want more more of this thing!  The retail on this thing was over $1000!!!

But on the other hand, if it gets a good loving home and a decent price, who am I to complain?

Check out the listing on eBay here.  At the time of this posting, there are 2 days left!!!

Let's Clearify the 101 list….

I received some flak last night about my 101 list.

“You haven’t been to the gym three times this week, you owe $25.”

Let’s get this straight…  While I do want to do that particular list item.  It does not mean that I have to go to the gym 3 days a week for the whole 1001 days.  I need to build UP TO it.  While it has been a rocky start, other list items are moving along as well.  Just know that things are in montion!

UPDATED: As of this morning, my list is complete!

Another Event in the Works

A couple of days after the “Let’s Rock” Apple event, it seems like there is rumors of another Apple event in the works for October 14th.  This on is to announce the possiable speed bumps in the notebook line.  While every where I have read about this, nothing mentions the MBA.  :(

So this is me hoping and praying that the MBA is included.  It is a notebook is it not?!?

BTW: I stole the image from appleisider.

"Let's Rock" Event Grade … C-

I give yesterdays Apple “Let’s Rock Event a C-.  The predictions that it would be a lackluster event where very true.  While I am def excited about the things mentioned, I really think that the event was over hyped.  New iPods, great.  New iTunes, Great.  NBC back on iTunes, Great. All really exciting stuff, but where was the “One More Thing”????

I  was of course, really hoping to see something announced about speed bumps on the notebook line, expecially the MBA!!!  I guess I will have to wait even longer!! :(

Goodbye My Mini :(

I forgot to mention yesterday…

As soon as I got home yesterday from selling my PB, I got a call on the cell from another person that wanted to buy my Mini!!  So, back out in the foul weather to deliver the mini to it’s new loving home.

So, if we do the math now, Justin is down to one, YES, ONE Apple computer.  But this will change eventually as Renee and I do want a laptop for surfing.

And yes, I still own more then 4 iPods, but I am not getting into that!

Goodbye my PB :(

It has happened, I parted ways with my G4 PowerBook Today.Craiglist has done it again.  I posted my 15″PB on washington’s craiglist this morning and by 2pm today, she found a new loving home.

Looking back on her life with me, I truely am beining to miss her.  She helped me start up my business and helped me with alot of projects and so forth.  She also made me a BUNCH of money.

The torch has no been passed on to the Mac Pro.  While the MP has made some money, I can only hope she does just as well as the PB.

Live long a prosper my dear old friend, you will be missed!